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Are disciples of tzeentch good?

Are disciples of tzeentch good?

Disciples of Tzeentch are the OG Casting army for Age of Sigmar and have managed to more or less hold that title since then. Although Lumineth and Seraphon can give them a run for their money, they’re still one of the best Wizard heavy armies in the game.

Can you run tzeentch daemons with thousand sons?

In an army that includes Thousand Sons, yes, as you may use or as your army keyword. If you wish to use the army specific faction rules, like Brotherhood of Sorcerers, you would want to keep them in separate detachments, or bring your daemons in using the daemonic ritual rule to summon them.

Are thousand sons an elite army?

The Thousand Sons are an elite army with a smattering of lighter units, with a focus on culling their enemies from mid to short range with Psychic powers and anti-infantry firepower.

Can thousand sons take Obliterators?

Obliterators cannot take the Thousand Sons keyword and I believe Daemon is no longer a faction keyword for them, so if you put them into a Tzeetnch Daemon detachment, then it’s just a Tzeentch detachment and does not gain any of the benefits of either a Thousands Sons or Tzeentch Daemon battle forged detachment.

Can thousand sons use Chaos Space Marine stratagems?

Once you have access to stratagems, then they do work on ANY unit that matches the keywords. Thus, if the Thousand Sons still had and you had access to Vets of the Long War from a separate detachment of Chaos Marines, you could use it on the Rubric Marines.

Are thousand sons weak?

Weakness of the Thousand Sons Army Few powerful close combat options. In this case supremacy in the Psychic Phase comes at the cost of the Combat Phase. High point cost result in often being outnumbered.

How do I beat khorne as tzeentch?

Use Kairos as a hit and run unit on the battlefield using the barrier mechanism. Your aim is to deal damage but also to slow down some units so khorne units trickle into range of your army instead of together so you can focus fire and kill them one by one.

Who worships Tzeentch?

Tzeentch and the Thousand Sons. The Thousand Sons Traitor Legion of Heretic Astartes serves Tzeentch exclusively. They were once the XVth Legion of Space Marines founded on Terra, created in the late 30th Millennium to reclaim the stars for Humanity after the horrors of the Age of Strife.

Can Tzeentch see the future?

After an eternity within the Well, these two heads can see things that remain hidden from even Tzeentch’s gaze. Kairos’ right head sees visions of all possible futures, whilst his left witnesses the entirety of the past.

What is a disc of Tzeentch?

Discs of Tzeentch are daemonic beasts of Tzeentch who are fusions of metal, Daemon and magic. The Disc was once a daemonic beast known as a Screamer but was transformed into a Disc of Tzeentch as a gift to an important mortal Champion of Tzeentch or a favoured Daemonic Herald of the Lord of Change.

Is the disc of Tzeentch a dangerous undertaking?

It is a dangerous undertaking, and more fail than succeed. But for the prestige and tactical advantage of a Disc of Tzeentch, many and more of the servants of Tzeentch are willing to assume the risks.

How impractical is Tzeentch?

Wildly impractical, it honestly doesn’t matter what it does. The 4 mono Chaos armies are special in that they can take any unit as long as it has the Chaos God as a keyword, even if its not in the book. Effectively what this means is you can take many Slaves to Darkness Units in a Tzeentch list as long as you give them the mark of Tzeentch.

What is the point of the Tzeentch Army?

Tzeentch is famous for the magic he grants in his followers and his overly complicated schemes that often blow up in his face (or do they?) and the army has mechanics to represent both of these aspects of the Changer of Ways on the table.