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What would the rough endoplasmic reticulum be in a house?

What would the rough endoplasmic reticulum be in a house?

The Endoplasmic Reticulum is the pathway of the cell, sort of like a hallway of a home. The Rough ER has ribosomes studded on it. It can be compared to a hallway with different rooms branching off of it.

What does the rough ER cell do?

The rough ER, studded with millions of membrane bound ribosomes, is involved with the production, folding, quality control and despatch of some proteins. Smooth ER is largely associated with lipid (fat) manufacture and metabolism and steroid production hormone production. It also has a detoxification function.

What is the difference between smooth ER and rough?

When ribosomes attach to the surface of an ER, it gives a characteristic rough appearance; hence it is called Rough ER. On the other hand, a smooth ER does not have ribosomes on its surface. It possesses ribosomes attached to its membrane. It does not have ribosomes on its membrane.

What is the mechanism of action of thapsigargin?

Mechanism of Action Thapsigargin is an inhibitor of sarco endoplasmic reticulum Ca2 ATPase (SERCA). It pumps calcium ions from the cytoplasm into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and thapsigargin. This process will causes an increase in the cytoplasmic calcium levels while also depleting ER stores.

What can the rough ER be compared to in real life?

A real life example of the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum would be traffic on a highway.

What’s an analogy for rough ER?

Analogy: The rough ER is like an assembly line because ribosomes are positioned on rough endoplasmic reticulum where the proteins are assembled. Workers gather in regions of the factory where the assembly takes place.

What is the function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum quizlet?

Function: Rough endoplasmic reticula are involved in the synthesis of proteins.

What proteins are made in the rough ER?

Rough ER contains two integral membrane proteins, ribophorins I and II, that have molecular masses of 65 kDa and 63 kDa, respectively. These proteins remain attached to ribosomes when the ER membrane is dissolved with detergent and they can be crosslinked to ribosomes by chemical reagents.

What is the difference between smooth ER rough ER and Golgi apparatus?

Rough ER provides proteins and lipids for the Golgi apparatus. Smooth ER provides vesicles for the cis-face of the Golgi apparatus. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is mostly associated with the production, modification, and transfer of proteins.

How does thapsigargin induce ER stress?

ER stress can be induced by treating cells with 0.1–1 µM of thapsigargin for 5 hours. Brefeldin A inhibits transport of proteins from the ER to the Golgi and induces retrograde protein transport from the Golgi apparatus to the endoplasmic reticulum. This leads to the accumulation of unfolded proteins in the ER.

Where is thapsigargin found?

The sesquiterpene lactone thapsigargin is found in the plant Thapsia garganica L., and is one of the major constituents of the roots and fruits of this Mediterranean species. In 1978, the first pharmacological effects of thapsigargin were established and the full structure was elucidated in 1985.