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What does Nacrs stand for?

What does Nacrs stand for?

Overview. The National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS) contains data for all hospital-based and community-based ambulatory care: Day surgery. Outpatient and community-based clinics.

What is Dad and Nacrs?

To achieve this objective, the patient records in the Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), the National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS) and the Ontario Mental Health Reporting System (OMHRS) were linked to the CVSD.

What is discharge disposition?

Definition: The final place or setting to which the patient was discharged on the day of discharge.

Which provinces have mandated the collection of data in Nacrs?

Submission of ED data to NACRS: Mandated in Quebec, i Ontario, Alberta and Yukon; partially mandated in P.E.I., Nova Scotia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia; not mandated in Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

What is National ambulatory care Reporting System?

The National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS) contains data on hospital-based and community-based ambulatory care: day surgery, outpatient and community-based clinics and emergency departments. Client visit data is collected at the time of service in participating facilities.

What is Discharge Abstract Database?

Originally developed in 1963, the Discharge Abstract Database (DAD) captures administrative, clinical and demographic information on hospital discharges (including deaths, sign-outs and transfers). Some provinces and territories also use the DAD to capture day surgery.

What is Dad CIHI?

Overview. Originally developed in 1963, the Discharge Abstract Database (DAD) captures administrative, clinical and demographic information on hospital discharges (including deaths, sign-outs and transfers). Some provinces and territories also use the DAD to capture day surgery.

What does disposition mean in medical terms?

a tendency, either physical or mental, toward a given disease. 2. the prevailing temperament or character, giving a degree of predictability to the response to a situation or other stimulus. 3. the plan for continuing health care of a patient following discharge from a given health care facility.

What is hospital disposition?

RATIONALE AND DISCUSSION In addition to documenting whether the patient was discharged alive or died during the hospitalization, the patient disposition is an indicator of the patient´s health status at the time of discharge and need for additional services.

What are CIHI databases?

The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) provides comparable and actionable data and information that are used to accelerate improvements in health care, health system performance and population health across Canada.

What is hospital discharge data?

State Hospital Discharge Databases are the only source of hospital utilization data that capture information about a patient’s demographic characteristics, diagnoses, procedures, and source of payment for every patient discharged from an acute care hospital within a state.

What is a discharge abstract?

1. A summary or abridgment of an article, book, or address. 2. Intangible.