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Where was the movie 22 Jump Street filmed?

Where was the movie 22 Jump Street filmed?

22 Jump Street was primarily shot in New Orleans, Louisiana, which includes a return to the Historic St James A.M.E Church where 21 Jump St is located, though the cops have moved across to 22 Jump St, which was shot at New Orleans’ St Maurice Catholic Church.

Where is 21 Jump Street supposed to take place?

Set in a fictional city and state (Metropolis, Evergreen State) in the United States, the series was primarily filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia.

What is the park in 22 Jump Street was filmed?

Sony Pictures Entertainment took over the sculpture garden on Tuesday night to capture scenes for the upcoming film “22 Jump Street,” set at the fictitious Metropolitan City State College. The movie will be in theaters June 2014. The film is directed by Phil Lord and Chris Miller, who also directed “21 Jump Street.”

What is the frat house in 22 Jump Street?

A fraternity house scene was filmed on St. Charles Avenue. The walk-on day football scenes were filmed at Tad Gormley Stadium where local New Orleans high school teams play. It was outfitted with banners and signs for the Metro City State College Statesmen.

Is jumpstreet real?

The comedy duo in the movie ” 21 Jump Street,” Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum, made a joke out of their undercover assignment. But real-life police officer Alex Salinas, 22, spent the last eight months pretending to be a student to bust a major high school drug ring in Central California.

Where is the Korean church in 21 Jump Street?

222 North Roman Street
The Korean ‘Aroma Of Christ Church’, used as the clandestine police HQ at ’21 Jump Street’, is the Historic St James AME Church, 222 North Roman Street. Still very much a functioning church, it was made to look run-down and abandoned just for the movie.

What college is used in 22 Jump Street?

Tulane University
On-campus scenes featuring the fictional MC State were filmed on the uptown campus of Tulane University.