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What unit is mm2 s?

What unit is mm2 s?

The SI unit for kinematic viscosity is one meter squared per second and is equivalent to 10,000 St. Usually, centistokes (cSt) is used (1 cSt = 0.01 St = 1 mm2/s). The absolute or dynamic viscosity is equal to the kinematic viscosity, multiplied by the density of the fluid.

What is a centistoke equal to?

A centistokes (cSt) is a decimal fraction of the CGS unit of kinematic viscosity stokes, which is equal to centimeter per second (cm²/s). 1 stokes is a kinematic viscosity of a fluid with a density of 1 g/cm³ and a dynamic viscosity of 1 poise. To: meter²/second. meter²/hour.

How do you convert centistokes to m2 s?

How to Convert Centistokes to Square Meter/Second (cSt to m2/s) By using our Centistokes to Square Meter/Second conversion tool, you know that one Centistokes is equivalent to 0.000001 Square Meter/Second. Hence, to convert Centistokes to Square Meter/Second, we just need to multiply the number by 0.000001.

Are centistokes and Centipoise the same?

Centipoise = centistokes x specific gravity where specific gravity is assumed to be 0.8 (except for water). To find the exact cp of your fluid: cp = cSt x (weight per gallon x 0.120).

What does mm2 s mean?

square millimetre per second
The SI unit of kinematic viscosity is the square metre per second, m2/s. The normal sub- unit derived from this is the square millimetre per second, mm2/s = 10-6 m2/s.

Is mm2 s the same as cSt?

cSt↔mm2/s 1 cSt = 1 mm2/s.

How do you find the viscosity of a centistoke?

The unit of measure of kinematic viscosity is Centistokes (cSt).

  1. Kinematic (cSt) x Density = Dynamic (cP)
  2. Dynamic (cP) / Density = Kinematic (cSt)

What is the units of viscosity?

The unit of viscosity is newton-second per square metre, which is usually expressed as pascal-second in SI units.

What are centistokes in oil?

The other unit is the Centistoke (cSt) which is used to report the kinematic viscosity of motor oil at high temperatures. The number reflects the time required for a fixed amount of fluid to flow through a certain sized orifice on the testing device.

What is cSt in lubrication?

This number indicates the ease with which the oil can be moved. The other unit is the Centistoke (cSt) which is used to report the kinematic viscosity of motor oil at high temperatures. The number reflects the time required for a fixed amount of fluid to flow through a certain sized orifice on the testing device.

How many Stokes are in a centistoke?

Centistokes is a decimal fraction of kinematic viscosity unit stokes. One centistokes is equal to 0.01 stokes.