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What is an ordinary passport?

What is an ordinary passport?

Personal (tourist) U.S. passport One of the most popular out of all the passport types is the personal US passport, also called “ordinary passport” or “regular passport”. It is a blue passport book that is issued to the majority of the citizens of the United States. It is the US passport to get if you want to travel.

What are the 2 types of passports?

Types of Passports

  • Regular Passport. A regular passport is issued to American citizens and nationals who may or may not be a U.S. citizen.
  • Official Passport. An official passport is issued to an employee or official of the U.S. Government traveling abroad to carry out official duties.
  • Diplomatic Passport.
  • Passport Card.

What are the 3 types of passports?

Passport Types

  • Regular passport (of maroon color)
  • Special passport (green)
  • Diplomatic passport (black)
  • Service passport (grey)

Can I use my official passport for personal travel?

Official passports are valid for official travel abroad only. This is in effect while the traveler is in an official travel status. For any official travel, which includes personal travel, the traveler must possess both a valid official and personal passport.

Is British passport ordinary or official?

Official passports are issued to those travelling abroad on official state business. Queen’s Messenger passports were issued to diplomatic couriers who transport documents on behalf of HM Government. Since 2014, these have been replaced by an observation within a standard diplomatic passport.

What is official Indian passport?

Diplomatic and Official passports are issued to people holding diplomatic status or deputed by the Government of India for official duty abroad. Normally applications for Diplomatic and Official passports are entertained only at the PSP Division, Patiala House, New Delhi.

What is ordinary passport and official passport in Bangladesh?

Diplomatic passports are only issued to diplomats of Bangladesh. Official passports are only issued to Bangladesh government employees, government officials and envoys. Regular or ordinary passports are issued to the rest of the citizens of Bangladesh. The entire passport is made of environment-friendly materials.

What is the point of an official passport?

An official passport, or service passport, is a type of passport that is issued to government employees. Its purpose is to let officials in the destination country know that the bearer is entering the country on official business, representing their country in an official capacity.

When can I use official passport?

An official passport is required when traveling to a foreign country for the purpose of official business. If an employee intends to combine personal travel in conjunction with their official travel, he/she must utilize their non-fee regular passport (blue cover), not their official passport (red/maroon cover).

What is an official passport UK?

They are issued to British diplomats and high-ranking government officials to facilitate travel abroad. Official passports are issued to those travelling abroad on official state business. Queen’s Messenger passports were issued to diplomatic couriers who transport documents on behalf of HM Government.

What is ordinary passport UK?

British Citizen passports are issued by the United Kingdom Identity & Passport Service (IPS). UK passports come in two sizes to accommodate frequent travellers, jumbo and regular. Jumbo passports contain 48 pages while regular passports contain 32 pages.

Who can apply for official passport?

Who can apply?

  1. All Indian Foreign Services and the Ministry of External Affairs (MoEA) officers traveling abroad on official business.
  2. People holding diplomatic status.
  3. Officials deputed by Government of India for official duty abroad.
  4. Family member traveling abroad with their dependent status or official one.

What is the difference between official and ordinary passport?

Ordinary passport i.e. ordinary passport which is dark blue in colour and is issued for ordinary travel and business trips. 2. Official Passport:- This is a white cover passport and it is issued to government officers who represent the Indian government in another country.

What does ordinary passport mean?

– Registration on Passport website. – Fill your basics details. – Upload documents. – Pay and book appointment.

The personal US passport, often known as an “ordinary passport” or “normal passport,” is one of the most popular of all US passport categories. It is a blue passport book that is issued to the vast majority of American residents. If you wish to travel, you need to acquire a US passport.

What are the different types of passport?

Type: “P”- Stands for “Personal”,”D”- Stands for “Diplomatic”,”S”- Stands for “Service”

  • Country code: IND
  • Passport number
  • Surname
  • Given name (s)
  • Sex
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • Place of issue
  • Date of issue