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Which is bigger 16 AWG or 18 AWG?

Which is bigger 16 AWG or 18 AWG?

The more current capacity it can carry, the lower the AWG. The 16 AWG wire has a higher power than the 18 AWG wire.

How much current can a 16 AWG wire carry?

AWG #16 copper wire has a resistance of 4.016 Ω per 1000 feet, or 4.016 mΩ/foot, or 13.18 mΩ/m. If you need to keep the voltage drop along 1 m of wire to 100 mV or less, then you can’t push more than 7.59 A thru it.

Is 16 AWG the same as 16 gauge?

Both Gauge and AWG are ideally the same. When writing, we call it a gauge for clear understanding. AWG measurements do not consider the insulation of the conductor. The higher the AWG number, the smaller the conductor.

What does 16 AWG mean on wire?

AWG stands for American wire gauge. It relates to the diameter of the wire. The more current capacity it can carry, the lower the AWG. A thicker 16AWG can carry 13 Amps, but a thinner 18AWG can only carry 10 Amps. Any appliance that uses electricity.

Is higher AWG better?

In general, a lower AWG number is better than higher AWG. AWG is of primary importance for wires that will carry electrical power — for example, home or business electrical wiring, extension cords or high-power wire in automotive or audio use.

How many amps can a 16 gauge extension cord handle?

Any 16-gauge cord between 0 and 100 feet long can adequately handle tool loads up to 10 Amps.

What is AWG 16?

AWG stands for American Wire Gauge. It pertains to the diameter of the wire. The lower the AWG, the more current capacity it can carry. For instance, a 16AWG is thicker and can carry 13 Amps, but an 18 AWG is thinner and can only carry 10 Amps.

Can 18 gauge wire handle 20 amps?

A conservative estimate for several feet of 18 gauge wire is 16 Amps. If you have only 12 gauge wire, the 18 gauge wire can handle more than 16 Amps.

What is 18 AWG wire mean?

AWG stands for American wire gauge. It relates to the diameter of the wire. The more current capacity it can carry, the lower the AWG. A thicker 16AWG can carry 13 Amps, but a thinner 18AWG can only carry 10 Amps.