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How much does it cost to hunt moose in Ontario?

How much does it cost to hunt moose in Ontario?

Rate Per Hunter – $3995.

How much does it cost for a moose hunt?

Alaska Moose Draw As a basic rule of thumb, expect $7,000-$10,000 per hunter for a self-guided hunt that includes charter plane flights, camp gear, and raft rentals or expect $22,000+ for a fully-outfitted hunt.

How much does a Canadian moose hunt cost?

Western and Eastern moose hunts in Canada typically go for $3,000-5,000, and moose hunting in Scandinavia is priced similarly. The incredible Alaska-Yukon and Kamchatka monster moose are the most expensive, as the price includes travel to remote areas.

How much does a trophy moose hunt cost?

TROPHY ALASKAN MOOSE HUNT – $28,500 You will have your own guide with 10 full hunting days if you need it. Meat will be delivered to the processor and trophies delivered to the tanner/shipper at our expense. License and tags are available in camp. Trophy fees for Moose are included in the hunt cost.

Where is the best moose hunting in Ontario?

The wilderness north of Nakina has the best Moose hunting in Ontario. The population of Moose in our region is so high that we receive more adult Moose tags than any other area of Ontario.

How much does a Canadian moose tag cost?

All fees are in Canadian dollars and are subject to 13% HST ….Hunting fees for non-residents of Ontario.

Non-resident products 2022 fee
Moose calf tag $30.00
Moose cow/calf tag $150.00
Moose bull tag $200.00

What caliber is best for moose hunting?

In short, the 30-06 shooting a 180 grain bullet is a winning combination and makes the best caliber for moose sized game, a hunter who practices regularly should have no problem taking moose out to 340 – 350 adding in that extra 50 or so yards is going to take some skill for sure.

How much is a Yukon moose hunt?

The incredible Alaska-Yukon monster moose are the most expensive moose to hunt. Prices start at about $18,000. A large part of the price covers the travel to remote areas where the moose dwell.

How much is a Yukon moose hunt cost?

What is the largest moose ever shot?

The largest Alaska moose was shot in western Yukon in September 1897; it weighed 820 kg (1,808 lb), and was 2.33 m (7.6 ft) tall at the shoulder.

Is there good moose hunting in Ontario?

Where is the highest deer population in Ontario?

Indian Point Camp, Dryden Debatably the best deer-hunting destination in Canada, Dryden is the place to go for white-tailed deer in Ontario. With the highest concentration of this species in the province, Indian Point Camp is located right in the middle of Dryden and Ignace, aka the Whitetail Triangle.