What is a 7234?
7234 MOS. Job Detail. Air command and control electronics operators perform duties incident to the operation of tactical air command and control systems and supervise and participate in the movement, emplacement, cabling, orientation, and operation of tactical air command and control systems.
What Mos is 7200?
7200 MOS. Air traffic control officers command an Air Traffic Control (ATC)Detachment. They act as officers-in-charge of Air Traffic Control Facilities at Marine Corps Air Stations. They perform as Control Tower Operators and Radar Air Traffic Controllers.
What is a 72 USMC?
The Marine Corps Field 72 occupational field (OccFld) includes those soldiers working in air control, air traffic control, air support, and anti-air warfare. The field also includes the operation and management of the air command and control functions associated with the Marine aircraft wing.
What is the MOS 7242?
MOS 7242 Air Support Operations Operator.
What is a LAAD gunner?
LAAD Gunners provide surface-to-air fires in support of MAGTF and joint air defense assets. Gunners are responsible for employment and maintenance of all equipment and weapon systems inherent to a LAAD Battalion.
What is Marine Corps MCT?
Marine Combat Training Battalion (MCT) is a 29-day course. The mission is to train and conduct standards-based combat skills training of all non-infantry Marines in order to ensure that every Marine is a fighting Marine, regardless of their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS).
What do LAAD gunners do?
Where do marine air traffic controllers get stationed?
MARINE CORPS AIR STATION MIRAMAR, Calif. — There are many jobs associated with keeping an aircraft in the sky; pilots, mechanics, crew chiefs, and administrators play a huge part.
Where do marine LAAD gunners get stationed?
The battalion falls under the command of Marine Air Control Group 38 (MACG-38) and the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (3rd MAW) and is currently based at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California.
How long is LAAD gunner MOS school?
Throughout the two-month course, all 30 students were taught the basics of the stinger missile as well as the knowledge needed to succeed in their MOS. “The students start off with a three-week [High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle] course to get their license,” Buxkemper said.