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What is the 10 20 30 Rule of PowerPoint?

What is the 10 20 30 Rule of PowerPoint?

The 10/20/30 rule of PowerPoint is a straightforward concept: no PowerPoint presentation should be more than ten slides, longer than 20 minutes, and use fonts smaller than 30 point size. Coined by Guy Kawasaki, the rule is a tool for marketers to create excellent PowerPoint presentations.

What are the 5 principles of a good PowerPoint?

Here are five principles you must use to create powerful PowerPoint presentations:

  • It’s About You, Not the Slides.
  • Let Your PowerPoint Slides Support Your Point, Not Make It.
  • Incorporate Graphics Into Your PowerPoint Presentation to Evoke Emotion.
  • Keep Your PowerPoint Slides Simple.
  • Tell a Story with Your Presentation.

How can I make my PPT more attractive?

Discuss Your Presentation With an Expert

  1. 1) Skip the Stock Template.
  2. 2) Don’t Use More than 6 Lines of Text.
  3. 3) Ditch the Bullet Points.
  4. 4) Use Sans Serif Fonts.
  5. 5) Size Fonts Appropriately.
  6. 6) Maintain a Strong Contrast Between Text and Background.
  7. 7) Use No More than 5 Colors.
  8. 8) Use Contrasting Text Colors to Draw Attention.

What is the 6 by 6 rule for a presentation?

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. You might already be familiar with the 6×6 rule. This presentation rule suggests that you should include no more than six words per line and no more than six bullet points per slide.

What is the 5 to 8 rule PowerPoint?

That means each slide should have one main idea, no more than six bullet points, and a maximum of six words per point. This ensures your content is sharp and concise. Just as you should keep your patterns and images simple, you should do the same with your fonts.

Do and don’ts of PowerPoint presentation?

Powerpoint Do’s and Don’ts

  • DO: Stay Concise.
  • DON’T: Overdo the Special Effects.
  • DO: Use Humor.
  • DON’T: Just Read the Slides.
  • DO: Look Up!
  • DON’T: Rush.
  • DO: Be Bold and Direct.
  • DON’T: Over Rely on Clipart.

What is the Golden Rule of PowerPoint presentation?

Never have more than “X” slides in a presentation. Never have more than “X” bullet points. Never use bullet points at all.

What makes a bad PowerPoint presentation?

If you venture too far from black on white with PowerPoint, you’re bound to end up with bad presentations. Poor contrast destroys readability and makes your presentations look amateur. As a rule, avoid dark text on dark backgrounds as well as light text on light backgrounds.

What is 7×7 rule for PowerPoint?

The 7×7 rule is simple: For every slide, use no more than seven lines of text — or seven bullet points — and no more than seven words per line.

What is the best color for PowerPoint slides?

The best colors for slides have high contrast so they are easily seen. Dark backgrounds should have light text and bright accent colors. Light backgrounds should have dark text and bold accent colors. This way the audience can read the text and see the graphs or shapes on each slide.

How to make a beautiful and efficient PPT?

– Use a sans serif font for body text. Sans serifs like Arial, Helvetica, or Calibri tend to be the easiest to read on screens. – Use decorative fonts only for slide headers, and then only if they’re easy to read. – Put dark text on a light background. – Align text left or right. – Avoid clutter.

Too Much Text. The number one mistake found in PowerPoint presentations is usually the amount of text used in a slide.

  • Bad Fonts. As we are talking about text,fonts,also,play an important role in your presentation.
  • Images And Videos With Poor Quality. Another mistake is the use of bad quality images.
  • Bad Contrast.
  • Moves And Transitions.
  • How to maintain good health PPT?

    There is no way around it: having a sedentary lifestyle is just about the best way to drive your body into the ground.

  • Moderate your alcohol intake. And by that,we mean 1 drink a day for women and 2 for men.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Go for regular physical check-ups.
  • Because all work and no play makes Jack a dull,sad,unhealthy boy.
  • Stay active in small ways.
  • How do you make a good PowerPoint presentation?

    Minimize the number of slides.

  • Choose an audience-friendly font size.
  • Keep your slide text simple.
  • Use visuals to help express your message.
  • Make labels for charts and graphs understandable.
  • Apply subtle,consistent slide backgrounds.
  • Check the spelling and grammar.