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How do I convert a STL file to SketchUp?

How do I convert a STL file to SketchUp?

Exporting a SketchUp model as an STL File

  1. Select File > Export > 3D Model.
  2. Navigate to the location where you want to save your exported file.
  3. (Optional) In the appropriate text box, type a name for the exported STL file.
  4. From the Save As Type drop-down list, select STereolithography File (.

Can you modify STL files in SketchUp?

Before you can edit an STL file, you need to import it into Sketchup. Open Sketchup. Navigate to “file” and select “import.” In the bottom right drop down menu select “STL.” Click on the file you want to use and select “import.”

Does SketchUp support STL files?

If you are using the Web App (, click on the folder icon, then Export, then STL. It even works in Free! There are two ways to make STL files for 3D printing with SketchUp’s desktop program: To export your model as an STL file, install the SketchUp STL extension from the SketchUp Team.

What is Collada file in SketchUp?

COLLADA is an XML-based schema that enables you to transfer data among 3D digital content creation tools, such as SketchUp, Maya, 3ds Max, and Rhino. COLLADA files use the . dae file extension, which stands for digital asset exchange. In SketchUp, you can import and export COLLADA files pretty easily.

Are STL files editable?

Can You Edit & Modify an STL File? You can definitely edit and modify STL files, and it can be done using two different types of modeling software: CAD (Computer-Aided Design) Software. Mesh Editing Tools.

How do you turn a mesh into a solid fusion?

Choose the mesh file to import. Move and orient the inserted Mesh as desired….From the Prepare menu click Generate Face Groups.

  1. Select the mesh body.
  2. Each color represents a different face.
  3. Adjust the boundary accuracy to make sure that each face is a different color.
  4. Click OK.
  5. From the modify menu click Convert Mesh.