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What is d2x cIOS Wii?

What is d2x cIOS Wii?

GitHub – davebaol/d2x-cios: A custom IOS for the Wii and Wii-U console, i.e. an IOS modified to add some new features not available in the official IOS. Product. Actions.

What does cIOS do Wii?

Custom IOS, aka cIOS, are third-party IOS files that are installed on the wii. Most cIOS’s are used for pirating.

What cIOS do I need for USB Loader GX?

To use USB Loader GX you need: (cIOS d2x is recommended) A USB 2.0 Hard Disk Drive or Flash Drive (see bellow for HDD format) A SD/SDHC Card (optional, you can use one if you have limited USB storage or if you find SD access on your computer easier than USB)

How do I change cIOS?

Click the gear icon. Go to cIOS and use the arrows to select the IOS slot to use. Try using 250 or 251, if 249 doesn’t work.

How do I install d2x cIOS?


  1. Download the latest d2x-cios-installer from its google code page: d2x cIOS installer.
  2. Extract it into the apps folder of your sd card or usb device.
  3. Extract d2x-v7-final.
  4. Launch the Homebrew Channel, start the installer and follow the instructions on the screen.

Can cIOS brick your Wii?

DO NOT Install any IOS or Wii Menu on a Wii mini other than d2xl cIOS. Doing so will brick your console if a Wi-Fi card is not soldered to it.

Do you need cIOS Wii?

There are many applications however that don’t need a cIOS. Most of the Homebrew Applications on Wiibrew only need the Homebrew Channel.

How do I update the Homebrew Channel on my Wii?

How to Get the Wii Homebrew Channel Back

  1. Go to the Letterbomb webpage.
  2. Input your OS and the Wii’s Mac address.
  3. Download Letterbomb to an SD card and unzip it.
  4. Insert the SD card into the Wii.
  5. Turn on the console.
  6. Click on the message that looks like a red envelope with a bomb in it.

Can I download Wii games to a USB?

Start looking for games to add to your USB. Click on “Browse,” select the game of your choice, and then click on “Open.” Now, click on “Add to Drive” and wait for the file or files to finish copying. Once that’s done, you can already eject your flash/hard drive and insert it into your Wii.