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What are the positions on a sand filter?

What are the positions on a sand filter?

The FILTER Position: On sand filters, water enters at the top of the tank, and for DE filters, water enters at the bottom of the tank. After passing through the filter media, the water exits the tank again into the multiport valve, leaving through the “RETURN” port, and back to your pool.

What are the controls on a sand filter?

What do the settings on my Sand Filter do?

  • Filter: Use for normal filtration or vacuuming the pool.
  • Backwash: Is used to clean filter sand.
  • Rinse: To clean water inside filter tank.
  • Waste: Use for vacuuming heavy concentrations of dirt directly to waste.
  • Closed: Use for shutting off the flow to the filter and pool.

How long do I rinse my sand filter after backwashing?

Wait for a few minutes until the water runs clear. Turn off the pump to cease the backwashing. Turn the filter valve handle to RINSE and ensure the handle locks in place. Allow the rinse process to occur for 1 minute or until the water is clear.

How long should you leave pool on backwash mode?

Set the sand filter multi port valve handle to the BACKWASH position and ensure the handle locks in place. Turn on the pump and allow the sand filter to backwash for 2-3 minutes or until the water in the sight glass (typically located on the top of the filter) is visibly clear.

When Shocking a pool should the pump be on filter or recirculate?

The Filter setting is the best setting or filter position to use after shocking your pool. You may also use the Recirculate setting on your filter.

Which pool valves should be open?

A normal pool valve setting would have the skimmer valve(s) fully open, main drain half-open and spa drain fully closed. To operate a suction pool cleaner or manually vacuum the pool, you can close other skimmers, or close the main drain, to obtain more suction through the skimmer you are using.

Do I backwash then rinse?

The ‘Rinse’ setting should be used after backwashing and again run just for a minute or two. On this setting the water is flowing through the filter in the normal direction but once again is being sent to the waste pipe rather than being returned to the pool.

Do you vacuum a pool on backwash or waste?

If you do have this option, it is highly recommended that whenever you have algae, you will need to vacuum to waste. This option allows you to vacuum the algae up and send it out through the backwash line, avoiding getting algae into your filter sand.

Should you backwash after shocking?

Steps for Preventing Algae If your pool is used frequently, shock it at least once a week. Clean or backwash your filter regularly. Run your pool pump for at least 10 hours per day to completely circulate the water. Keep your phosphate levels below 100 ppb (parts per billion).

Should skimmer and main drain be open?

For proper water circulation, it is best to position the flap so that it is about 2/3 closed. This will allow for more flow through the main drain than through the skimmer, which will promote a “bottom-to-top” circulation throughout the pool.

What is the best sand filter for swimming pools?

– Silica pool filter sand is the most commonly used type. – Zeolite pool filter sand is made from volcanic rock minerals and can filter debris as small as 10 microns, giving it a slight edge over silica pool filter sand. – Glass pool filter sand is the best option for removing very small particles from the pool water.

How often should sand be replaced in a pool filter?

Periodically backwash the filter and once a year check the sand level. The height level of sand, in the filter, should be noted by a decal on the side of the tank. In a public pool, the sand should be replaced every 3 to 5 years. This is due to the suntan oil’s that contaminate the sand. In a public pool, you should backwash more often.

How much sand does my swimming pool filter need?

How much sand to put in a pool filter can be determined by reading the manufacturer’s label on the side of the filter tank or consulting a swimming pool professional. The amount of sand needed varies depending on the manufacturer and the size of the filter tank. Pool sand is usually changed every three to five years.

How to replace the sand in a swimming pool filter?

First,replace the underdrain assembly.

  • Then add water until the tank is half-full.
  • After adding each bag of sand,reach in and level out the sand bed.
  • You will need to add as much sand as the manufacturer indicates on the label on the tank.