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How much does the phantom x1 cost?

How much does the phantom x1 cost?

Perhaps the best part is that Phantom Aircraft Company can sell you an aircraft for under $10,000 (X-1 model). This modest amount of money will actually buy all the bits and pieces you need to get airborne, engine and prop included.

How much does a Kolb Firefly cost?

A Kolb FireStar II SS kit with covering fabric will run about $11,000. If you add the Hirth or Rotax engine for $7,000-10,000, plus basic analog instruments, paint and some interior finishing, you could get airborne for around $25,000.

How much does an Aerolite 103 cost?

The Aerolite 103 is available as either a fully assembled, ready-to-fly, single seat aircraft, or as a Quick-Build Kit that you can assemble yourself in Less Than 50 Hours!…Standard Equipment on Every Aerolite:

Completely Assembled, Ready to Fly Aircraft Prices: Price
4 Battery Electric Propulsion System $34,900

Is it a phantom or X-1?

Known simply as Phantom to most folks, the proper name is actually the Phantom X-1. Even this model has gone through refinements over the years. And some builders have further varied the theme; one Phantom I flew had been converted to a taildragger – it was a blast.

What are the He-Man bars on a phantom X-1E?

The Phantom X-1E is a little broader as well. It is fitted with what the company calls “he-man” bars. Deriving its name from the fact that bigger fellows will fit inside better, he-man bars are side support tubes traveling forward from axle to engine mount.

What are the features of a Xtreme Phantom?

It has custom red, black and silver sails and red and black powder coat . custom seat and disc brakes . The engine is a brand new rotax 447 not a rebuild I purchased this engine brand new in the crate from brian at rainbow aviation . new powerfin prop. This phantom is a custom build by Xtreme ultralights lots of mods. too much to list.

Where is the start switch on a phantom X-1E?

START LEVERS – Everything you need to fire up this electric start Phantom X-1E is on the pilot’s left: Squeeze bulb, choke primer (below bulb), throttle, and key switch (on instrument panel flange).