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Can ARC troopers be commanders?

Can ARC troopers be commanders?

A Clone ARC Commander, also referred to as an ARC Commander, was a military rank given to an Advanced Recon Commando who served as a Clone Commander. During the Clone Wars, at least three ARC troopers served as Clone ARC Commanders, including Blitz, Colt, and Havoc.

Who was the leader of the ARC troopers?

Captain Fordo
One notable exception was the aftermath of the Battle of Hypori, where a twenty-man ARC trooper team under the leadership of Captain Fordo engaged General Grievous in combat.

Who were the ARC troopers on Kamino?

Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi travel with clone troopers Captain Rex, Commander Cody, Broadside, Echo, and Fives of the 501st to Kamino to warn Shaak Ti and Lama Su of the Separatist attack.

Who trained ARC troopers?

Though Fett was their progenitor, for the six troopers who would come to be known as ARC-Nulls, Kal Skirata was their true father. Skirata saved them from termination and taught them how to become not only soldiers, but their own persons.

Was Commander Bly an ARC trooper?

Early life. CC-5052, later known as “Bly,” was a clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett created on Kamino. At some point prior to his service during the Clone Wars, he was trained by ARC troopers to be one of the first Clone Commanders and became an ARC trooper himself.

Is Captain Rex An ARC trooper?

Later in the war, He had his inhibitor chip removed by Ahsoka Tano thus not following Order 66, along with Commander Wolffe and Captain Gregor. After the Clone Wars, He then resided in a modified AT-TE Walker along with Wolffe and Gregor….

Rank: Captain Commander
Variant: ARC trooper

Who is the highest ranking clone?

Marshal Commander
As such, a Marshal Commander was roughly equivalent to a Major General or Lieutenant General in other services; it was also the highest rank a clone could be given in the Grand Army of the Republic.

Was Rex An ARC trooper?

Rex, or CT-7567, [note 1] was a clone trooper captain and later commander during the Clone Wars….

Rank: Captain Commander
Variant: ARC trooper

Which Jedi dies on Kamino?

When the command was given by Darth Sidious—publicly the Republic’s Supreme Chancellor Palpatine—the Jedi Master was one of the many casualties, dying with their lightsaber in their hand.

Who is the best ARC trooper?

Star Wars: The 10 Best Clones in the Franchise (Ranked)

  1. 1 Boba Fett.
  2. 2 Rex.
  3. 3 Hunter.
  4. 4 Fives.
  5. 5 Wrecker.
  6. 6 Echo.
  7. 7 Commander Cody.
  8. 8 Omega.

Was commander Wolffe an ARC trooper?

Wolffe, also known as CC-3636, was a clone trooper commander in the famed Wolfpack of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars….

Rank: Commander
Unit: Wolfpack 104th Battalion
Affiliation: Galactic Republic (Clone Wars) Rebel Alliance Lothal Resistance
Era: Clone Wars Galactic Empire