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Can I join Aphmau server?

Can I join Aphmau server?

Everyone is free to join it, and we have a lot of activities for you to do while in the server, while also holding several notable names among the server, such as Sebastian Todd (Voice of Laurance Zvahl) as a VIP member.

What Minecraft is Aphmau playing?

Aphmau (Minecraft Diaries S1)

Affiliation(s) Phoenix Drop Phoenix Drop Alliance
Previous Occupation(s) Lord of Phoenix Drop
Personal Status
Status Alive

What is Aphmau Minecraft world name?

Aphmau (Minecraft Diaries S2)

Full Name Aphmau Irene
Nickname(s) Little Saint (Demon Warlock) Apple (Kyle) Horrible chicken house builder (Castor the Chicken Shaman)
Alias Lady Irene

Who is Aphmau brother?

Vylad is Garroth’s and Zane’s youngest brother. He first appeared in the episode “The Ro’Meave Brothers”, where he asked Aphmau a favor on residing in their home….Vylad (MyStreet)

Full Name Vylad Ro’Meave
Nickname(s) Little Pea (by Zianna) Vee-Vee (by Zianna) Baby Brother (by Garroth) Reject (by Zane)
Race Human

What is Aphmau’s Roblox name?

Shuki aka Jess’ new Roblox channel!

Who is Alina in Aphmau?

Alina is Aphmau’s biological daughter, born sometime during the three-year span. She is seen usually playing with Aphmau’s adoptive daughter, Lilith Garnet, and their babysitter, Leona.

Who is Aphmau and Aaron’s daughter?

She is the biological daughter of Aphmau and Aaron and the adoptive sister of Levin, Malachi, and Lilith Garnet. Appearing in the first episode of Minecraft Diaries Season 3, she is seen celebrating her third birthbay. Alina is Aphmau’s biological daughter, born sometime during the three-year span.