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Does birth control cause brown spots face?

Does birth control cause brown spots face?

Like most medications, birth control comes with its own set of side effects. Some people who use hormonal contraceptives might develop melasma. Melasma is the darkening or discoloration of the skin. It typically occurs on the face, but it may be observed from the shoulders up.

Can birth control cause beauty marks?

Although ultraviolet light is a risk factor, the hormones estrogen and progesterone can trigger an overproduction of melanin, causing discoloration on both the face and abdomen. Melasma is particularly common among women who are pregnant or are taking birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy.

Will melasma from birth control go away?

Most people with melasma do not need treatment. Melasma may fade away slowly if you stop taking birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy. If melasma appeared while you were pregnant, it may go away a few months after you have the baby. If melasma doesn’t fade or it bothers you, it can be treated.

Does birth control cause sunspots?

More frequent sunspots are a common side effect of taking hormonal birth control. However, some strategies will help your skin stay clearer while you’re taking birth control.

Does estrogen cause pigmentation?

A steep rise in oestrogen levels will stimulate excess melanin production – this results in hyperpigmentation of your skin.

Can birth control pills cause new moles?

During the teen years, with birth control pills and pregnancy, moles often get darker and larger and new ones may appear. Recent studies have shown that certain types of moles have a higher-than-average risk of becoming cancerous. Moles are present at birth in about 1 in 100 people. They are called congenital nevi.

Is my birth control causing melasma?

Hormones are among the primary cause of melasma – especially estrogen. Elevated levels of estrogen in the body increase pigment production, and hormonal birth control works by increasing the levels of estrogen in the body. That’s why melasma is commonly seen with oral contraceptive use.

Why do I have a dark spot above my lip?

Melasma is a condition in which areas of the skin become darker than the surrounding skin. Doctors call this hyperpigmentation. It typically occurs on the face, particularly the forehead, cheeks and above the upper lip.

Why do I get pigmentation on my upper lip?

Skin discoloration around the mouth is caused by excess melanin production in your skin. Hormonal changes, medications, and sun exposure are related to hyperpigmentation. Nutritional deficiencies, skin trauma, and other medical conditions may also cause skin discoloration.

Does birth control change your face?

With regular use of certain types of birth control pills (especially estrogen and anti-androgenic progestin combination), there will be less facial hair. However, some women reported that they had experienced an increase in facial hair growth.

What are lip freckles and how to treat them?

Lip freckles are one of the most common lip ailments in which small dark or brown spots are found on the lips. They can be found on both upper and lower lips and our lips usually do not have these spots naturally. They are basically an increased focal pigmentation of the vermillion of the lips ( 2 ).

Is it normal to have freckles on lips during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is not a reason for lip freckle. However, if you already have spots on your lips, it may get darker during pregnancy. Sun protection is the ultimate cure for lip freckles. If your skin is more prone to tanning, you must wear sunscreen lip balm before moving out in sun.

Can birth control pills cause brown patches on the upper lip?

Birth control pills may increase brown patches and skin discoloration. A common complaint I’ve seen from clients taking birth control is the development of brown patches above the upper lip, making it look like a mustache.

How common are lip freckles due to lip cancer?

They are not uncommon but are often overlooked as non melanoma skin cancers. The most common types being Basal cell carcinoma and Squamous cell Carcinoma. Men who are more than 50 years are at a higher risk of getting lip freckles due to lip cancer.