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What is the Code Civil Mauricien?

What is the Code Civil Mauricien?

The Code Civil Mauricien (Amendment) Act 2018 introduces specific provisions relating to groups of associations syndicales with a view to ensuring the smooth administration of common areas in complex property developments, makes provision for a new article 552-1 which codifies la division en volumes as regards la …

What are the conditions to be satisfied for the formation of a valid contract as per the articles of the Code Civil Mauricien?

As provided by article 1108 of the Mauritian Civil Code; for a contract to be valid, four essential conditions need to be present i.e. (1) free and informed consent of the parties, (2) the parties’ capacity to contract, (3) a certain and determined object and (4) a lawful cause.

How do I get divorced in Mauritius?

In Mauritius a decree of divorce may be pronounced on the ground of:

  1. mutual consent ( provided that the marriage is more than 24 months); or.
  2. acceptation of the principle of breakdown of the marriage (rupture du mariage); or.
  3. fault (one of the spouses commits a serious mistake); or.

What is the Code Civil?

The Code Civil, although the result of the French Revolution, is not only the product of the spirit of that Revolution which abolished all the institutions of the feudal regime and promoted new values (equality of all citizens, private ownership, freedom of contract, family and family inheritance laws).

How many days after divorce can you remarry in Mauritius?

Both spouses must go to the civil status office with their identity cards and birth certificates dating less than three months. The officer will then publish the banns on the notice board to make sure that there is no objection to the marriage. After ten days, the couple can get married within the next three months.

How long does a divorce take in Mauritius?

After that the divorce has been pronounced in Court, the decision will be provisional for 3 months after which the decision will then become permanent.