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Who owns warrior cats?

Who owns warrior cats?

Alibaba Pictures Group
Alibaba Pictures Group, the movies division of Chinese e-commerce giant, has acquired film rights to “Warriors,” a series of books about four clans of warring feral cats. The deal was sealed at the Frankfurt Book Fair with U.K.-based fiction packager Working Partners and its parent company Coolabi.

Are there any codes in WCUE?

As of now, there is one available code, named place2022.

How do you make a warrior cat Clan?

Create your clan.

  1. Start with just a few friends at first. Give yourselves warrior names before you start adding “kit” or “star” to the end.
  2. Choose who will be leader first. The leader should be the person who knows the series best.
  3. Don’t bother with a medicine cat yet.
  4. Place the borders.

Is Erin Hunter a real person?

Because Erin Hunter is not an actual person, these books were signed by Victoria Holmes on her behalf. As of 14 April 2017, Holmes announced on her Facebook page that she would no longer be writing for the series as she feels she has reached the point where she can contribute no more to the story.

Are lab RPs banned in warrior cats?

So I realize these role plays are super popular, but also are strictly banned for being NSFW. Yep: Lab RPs.

What does TS mean in warrior cats?

Fiercenight/Rank: Warrior/Clan: ShadowClan+ThunderClan+WindClan/About: Fast/Admirable/Agile/Smart/Scent: Clovers/TS: Pass it On by Kurt Hugo Schneider; Hall of Fame and Superheroes by The Script. K.E.L.

What does OC mean in Warrior Cats?

3 Ways to Create a Warrior Cats OC (Original Character) – wikiHow Fun.

What is a warrior cat fan called?

Brightspirit | Warriors Wiki | Fandom.

What is a good warrior cat name?

Some Warrior Cat Names Examples Tigerstar. Cinderpelt. Stormcloud. Dewpetal.

What warrior cat is your soul mate?

– Leave them! They can fight on their own! – Help them! You hate to see cats in pain! – Run back to camp cowering with your tail between your legs – You attack that cat, and then blame the death on the fox.

How to make a warrior cat?

Make A Warrior Cat! By the way this guide was created by MothFlightIsAwesome . First, you need a beginning for you cat’s name. Don’t worry if there are repeats. Pick one of the following: Now that you have your beginning, you need an ending. Pick one of the following: Now, your cat needs a Clan. Read each Clan’s name and description, and figure

Who is the dying warrior in warrior cats?

The six warriors arrive at the Tribe of Rushing Water. Stormfur is initially thought to be the silver cat that would save the Tribe from Sharptooth. Feathertail dies killing Sharptooth and fulfills the prophecy. Dawn: The five warriors return to the Clans to find the forest devastated and their Clans starving.

How to make a warrior cat character profile?

Leader: The leader of the Clan always has the suffix -star at the end of their name.

  • Deputy: The deputy keeps their warrior name no matter what,unless they become leader,in which the suffix of their name will be changed to -star.
  • Medicine Cat: Medicine cats usually have names relating to nature or even herbs.