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What does the EYFS say about next steps?

What does the EYFS say about next steps?

Once the child’s current developmental stage has been determined from observations, the next step can be formed using the practitioner’s knowledge of child development, supported by the next steps in the EYFS. However, practitioners need to be aware that the steps may be too large or too small for their own child.

What is the EYFS Statutory Framework 2021?

The EYFS framework: sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well. ensures children are kept healthy and safe. ensures that children have the knowledge and skills they need to start school.

What are the main changes to EYFS 2021?

Physical Development will be strengthened to include a greater focus on development from birth to reception and on the link between gross and fine motor skills. Literacy will include a stronger emphasis on pre-reception literacy learning, and the link between language comprehension and later reading and writing.

What is the statutory framework for early years?

The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the standards for promoting the learning, development and safety of children from birth to five years in Ofsted registered settings.

Why are next steps important EYFS?

A huge part of the ensuring children are making significant progress in their learning and development is by identifying and planning their next steps. The EYFS places strong emphasis on children’s development and ensuring practitioners are meeting children’s individual needs in the setting.

What is the next step Meaning?

(What’s the) next step?: (What’s the) subsequent move, following action, succeeding act, later phase? idiom.

What are the key stages of the statutory framework?

Key Stage 1 – ages 5-7 (Years 1-2) Key Stage 2 – ages 7-11 (Years 3-6) Key Stage 3 – ages 11-14 (Years 7-9) Key Stage 4 – ages 14-16 (Years 10-11)

What are the changes to EYFS 2020?

The main changes are to the ELGs and the wording, including: Literacy goes from two ELGs – Reading and Writing – to three, now encompassing Comprehension, Word Reading, and Writing. Mathematics loses Shape, Space and Measure, replaced with Mathematical Patterns.

Is there going to be a new EYFS curriculum?

Implementing the EYFS Changes The revised EYFS came into force in September 2021, so by now all settings should have moved over to the new statutory framework. However, adapting to such big changes can be a difficult process.

What are the 3 sections of the statutory framework?

The prime areas are: Personal, social and emotional development (PSED) Physical development (PD)

How do you know what the next step is?

5 Steps To Help You Find Out What To Do Next In Life

  1. Take Time Out. The first thing you should do, if you don’t know what to do, is do nothing.
  2. Feel Your Emotions.
  3. Explore Your Passions.
  4. Take Inspired Action.
  5. Let Go Of The Outcome.

How do you use next steps?

You must showcase your accomplishments, how you achieved them, and your next steps. You probably don’t want to go too light on the effect here, because the next steps will soften the grain and mute its effect.

Does your planning meet the statutory requirements of the EYFS?

‘In the moment planning’ fully meets the statutory requirements of the EYFS. However, in other settings staff might need to have a more explicit plan for children that is shared and understood by several members of staff.

What is the new statutory framework for the early years Foundation Stage?

The early years foundation stage coronavirus disapplications are no longer in force and all early years providers must meet the requirements set out in the statutory framework for the early years foundation stage. Updated to make it clear that the new statutory framework for the early years foundation stage applies from 1 September 2021.

What should OFSTED look for in an EYFS plan?

Ofsted need to see that you are meeting the requirements of the EYFS, they don’t stipulate how you should do it. · Any plan for a child should include the opinion of all involved with their learning and development. At the very least this should be the child (if they are able), their teacher (s) and their parents or carers.

What is statutory guidance for early years?

Statutory guidance is issued by law, you must follow it unless there’s a good reason not to do so. The early years foundation stage coronavirus disapplications are no longer in force and all early years providers must meet the requirements set out in the statutory framework for the early years foundation stage.