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What is the synonym for having?

What is the synonym for having?

Having synonyms In this page you can discover 7 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for having, like: holding, possessing, enjoying, owning, controlling, retaining and commanding.

Is there a word having?

What type of word is ‘having’? Having is a verb – Word Type.

How do I find synonyms for a word?

In Word 2010 or Word 2013, on the Review tab, click Research. Click Research options in the Research task pane, and then under Reference Books, select the thesaurus options that you want. In Word 2016, on the Review tab, click Thesaurus.

What is the best synonym finder?

The 10 Best Synonym Sites to Find Similar Words Online

  1. This site is one of the best sites for synonyms.
  2. This site can help you find similar words online without a hassle.
  4. Synonym Finder.
  5. Merriam-Webster Thesaurus.
  6. Big Huge Thesaurus.
  7. The Free Thesaurus.
  8. Collins Dictionary.

How do you use having?

Having is a present participle of have and can be used for different purposes. The word having can be used in the following ways in English: As as main verb. As a gerund….HAVING = face/experience

  1. We are having a good time.
  2. I was having some financial problems.
  3. I am having fun.

What is the opposite of having?

What is the opposite of having?

abstaining starving
giving up going without
passing up refraining from
avoiding denying oneself
refusing relinquishing

Can I use having?

Yes. We can use “having” when it is used: In the sense of a prolonged event, such as “My wife is having a baby,” “I am having a tough time answering this question,” and “I am having my house remodeled.” As a present participle, as in “Having done his homework, John started watching TV.”

Can we say having?

Have should always be in the simple present tense for the meaning “to own,” or to describe medical problems. For example: They have a new car. I have a bad cold. It is incorrect to say “I am having a cold” or “I am having a new car.”

How do you do synonym?

10 other ways to say “How are you?”

  1. How are you doing?
  2. How have you been?
  3. How’s everything?
  4. How’s it going?
  5. How are things going?
  6. What’s going on?
  7. What’s new?
  8. What’s up?

Is there a free thesaurus?

Dictionary + is your free English dictionary and thesaurus right on Android device.

Where can I find synonyms and antonyms for words? is the world’s largest and most trusted free online thesaurus brought to you by For over 20 years, has been helping millions of people improve their mastery of the English language and find the precise word with over 3 million synonyms and antonyms.