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What format should an art history paper be in?

What format should an art history paper be in?

Although you may have used MLA style for English papers or other disciplines, the Chicago Style is required for all students taking art history courses at UALR. There are significant differences between MLA style and Chicago Style.

How do you structure an art research paper?

In general, the structure of the art research paper should include an introduction, the main body with at least three main parts, and a conclusion. The introductory paragraph always provides the readers with the overall view of the issue discussed in the paper.

What kind of citation is used in art history?

the Chicago style
There are many citation formats, but in art history, footnotes in the Chicago style are the standard.

How do you write art history?

Writing the analysis:

  1. Develop a strong interpretive thesis about what you think is the overall effect or meaning of the image.
  2. Ground your argument in direct and specific references to the work of art itself.
  3. Describe the image in specific terms and with the criteria that you used for the analysis.

How do you do visual analysis in art history?

To write a visual analysis, you must look closely at an art object—or at a photograph of an art object— and translate your visual observations into written text. However, a visual analysis does not simply record your observations. It also makes a claim about the work of art.

How do you write an abstract for art history?

Quick Tips

  1. Comply. Diligently follow all abstract style and formatting guidelines.
  2. Be Concise. With a 250-500 word limit, write only what is necessary, avoiding wordiness.
  3. Be Clear. Plan your abstract carefully before writing it.
  4. Be Clean. Revise and edit your abstract to ensure that its final presentation is error free.

How do you write a visual analysis in art history?

Does art history use Chicago style?

Art History uses the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS). Learn how to format your paper in Chicago using footnotes or endnotes. Provides guidelines on style, usage, grammar, and citation format with examples. Both the 17th and 16th editions are accessible.

How do you cite Chicago style?

Author full name, “Chapter Title,” in Book Title: Subtitle, ed. Editor full name (Place of publication: Publisher, Year), page number(s). Author last name, “Shortened Chapter Title,” page number(s). To cite a journal article, you need to specify the volume and issue as well as the date.