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How is PPG homebrew calculated?

How is PPG homebrew calculated?

To calculate your mash extraction in terms of ppg, you need to multiply the number of gallons of wort you collected by its gravity and divide that by the amount of malt that was used. This will give you the gravity (points per gallon) per pound of malt used.

What is a good mash efficiency?

The typical mash efficiency of a homebrewer will be in the ballpark of 60-80%, though this number can vary quite a bit depending on the brew, the type of homebrewing equipment being used, and number of other factors.

Can you mash too long brewing?

Beer cannot be mashed for too long, but if the wort is allowed to sit in the mash for over twenty-four hours, it may begin to sour. There is no point in leaving a beer to mash for longer than 120 minutes since most of the enzyme conversion in mashing is accomplished in the first 60 minutes of mashing.

How much honey is needed to increase gravity?

Each pound of honey also adds about 35 gravity points, bringing the must original gravity from that of water, 1.000, to 1.035 (specific gravity is a measure of the density of a fluid compared to water).

What is the brewing guide for tea?

The brewing guide below is for the Western style of brewing tea. All teas lend themselves well to this style of brewing. In its simplest form, brewing tea can be broken down into five main components: method, water, temperature, time and type of tea.

What is the best temperature to brew tea?

For green tea, aim for a brewing temp of 176° to 185° F (80° – 85° C). Oolong tea brews best at a temperature between 176° and 203° F (80° – 95° C), with lighter varieties at the lower end of this range and darker ones at the higher end.

How to brew a better Cup of tea?

But there are some general guidelines you can follow to help you brew a better cup of tea. Good water is as important for brewing tea as the tea itself. The ideal water for brewing tea is spring water. Tea is delicate and can be affected by water with too high a mineral count or too high a chlorine content.

What temperature do you brew oolong tea?

Oolong tea brews best at a temperature between 176° and 203° F (80° – 95° C), with lighter varieties at the lower end of this range and darker ones at the higher end. Black tea, pu’er and herbal teas need water that is between 203° and 208° F (95° – 98° C).