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What is a response in psychology?

What is a response in psychology?

n. any glandular, muscular, neural, or other reaction to a stimulus. A response is a clearly defined, measurable unit of behavior discussed in terms of its result (e.g., pressing a lever, indicating yes vs. no on a survey item) or its physical characteristics (e.g., raising an arm).

What is response and examples?

The definition of response is a reaction after something is done. An example of response is how someone reacts to an ink blot on a card. noun. 1. Response is defined as an answer to a question.

What is a good word for response?

Some common synonyms of response are answer, rejoinder, reply, and retort. While all these words mean “something spoken, written, or done in return,” response may imply a quick or spontaneous reaction to a person or thing that serves as a stimulus.

What is a response in biology?

A response is a change in the organism resulting from the detection of a stimulus.

What is a learned response?

Definitions of learned response. a reaction that has been acquired by learning. synonyms: learned reaction. types: acquired reflex, conditional reaction, conditional reflex, conditional response, conditioned reaction, conditioned reflex, conditioned response.

What are some physiological responses?

The most common physiological responses to be used clinically are electromyogram activity (EMG), skin temperature, blood pressure, EEG (electro-encephalogram), vasomotor, and heart rate.

What are types of response?

TYPES OF RESPONSE OR IRRITABILITY, TROPHIC MOVEMENT, TYPES OF TAXIS RESPONSE, NASTISM RESPONSE AND ROLES OF AUXINS IN GROWTH MOVEMENT. One of the characteristics of a living thing is responding to stimuli. All living thing are capable of responding to internal and external stimuli.

What is the meaning of response in communication?

A statement (either spoken or written) that is made in reply to a question, request, criticism, or accusation. (

What is the difference between respond and response?

Respond is a verb. “Please respond to my question.” Response is a noun. “I am waiting for your response to my question.”

What is a response in the nervous system?

Our nervous system deals with this information and so may bring about a rapid response in the organism. A response is a change in an organism of part of it, produced by a stimulus. It is important to note that it is not actually powered by the stimulus, which merely acts as a trigger.

What is a response GCSE biology?

A response to a change can be given as : A Stimulus is any change either internal or external which leads to a response. This could be a noise, smell or the changes in blood sugar level. A Receptor is a specialized cell which can sense the stimulus.

How do I change my conditioned response?

A classically conditioned response can be eliminated or extinguished by eliminating the predictive relationship between the signal and the reflex. This is accomplished by presenting the signal (CS) while preventing the reflex.

What’s the difference between response and reply?

Response is noun while respond is its verb

  • You wait for a response while you respond to a stimulus
  • A doctor waits for the response shown by his patient to the drugs administered
  • You give a response to a stimulus while you are said to respond to a stimulus.
  • What is the type of response meaning for?

    To explore the response of the soil moisture to vegetation The soil bulk density distribution in 1 m profile of each vegetation type is shown in Table 2. Table 2 Average bulk density at the 0–100 cm depth (mean ± SD). Natural grassland is

    What does response mean?

    “The response from UIC leaders has been disappointing to put me in touch with AD Michael Lipitz and even “some of the athletes affected” by the mean ol’ Horizon League. As I wrote back: Thanks. I wasn’t going to touch this, but now I will.

    What is the definition of response?

    response – a statement (either spoken or written) that is made to reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation; “I waited several days for his answer”; “he wrote replies to several of his critics”