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What are the five North African countries?

What are the five North African countries?

The Maghreb or Maghrib is a region of North Africa, the term refers to the five North African nations of Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Mauritania, and Libya.

What is the name of North Africa?

Within Northern Africa lies the smaller region known as Maghreb, consisting of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia and known in French colonial times as Afrique du Nord.

What are the countries in North Africa and their capital?

Key information

Countries and territories Area (2016) (km2) Capital
Algeria 2,381,740 Algiers
Egypt 1,001,450 Cairo
Libya 1,759,540 Tripoli
Morocco 446,550 (undisputed), ~710,881 (claimed) Rabat

What are the 7 countries of North Africa?

Northern Africa countries (7) – Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and Western Sahara.

How many countries make North Africa?

seven countries
In this article, North Africa is defined as including a total of seven countries. These countries are Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and Western Sahara. Instead of going neck deep into all seven, let’s focus on three of the countries in North Africa.

Which are the South African countries?

Southern Africa countries (5) – Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, and Swaziland.

What is the largest country in North Africa?

The largest country in Africa—and 10th largest in the world—is Algeria, which spans over 2,381,741 km² (919,595 mi²) and is home to more than 44 million people. Algeria is located in Northern Africa with a coastline that borders the Mediterranean Sea and an interior that includes a portion of the Sahara Desert.

Which country is North Africa?

How many countries are in North Africa?