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What is the MSDS number for hydrochloric acid?

What is the MSDS number for hydrochloric acid?

Hydrochloric acid 32-38% solution ACC# 11155. Section 1 – Chemical Product and Company Identification. MSDS Name: Hydrochloric acid 32-38% solution. Catalog Numbers: A142-212, A142P-19, A142P-20, A144-212, A144-212LC, A144-500, A144-500LB, A144-500LC, A144-612GAL, A144C-212, A144C-212EA, A144P-19, A144P-20, A144S-212, A144S-212EA, A144S-500,

Is 7647-01-0 a hazardous substance under the CWA?

CAS# 7647-01-0 is listed as a Hazardous Substance under the CWA. None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Priority Pollutants under the CWA. None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Toxic Pollutants under the CWA.

How much hydrochloric acid can be released from a chemical facility?

Component DHS Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standard Hydrochloric acid Release STQs – 15000lb (concentration >=37%) Release STQs – 5000lb (anhydrous) Theft STQs – 500lb (anhydrous)

What are the effects of repeated exposure to hydrochloric acid?

Repeated exposure may cause erosion of teeth. Repeated exposure to low concentrations of HCl vapor or mist may cause bleeding of nose and gums. Chronic bronchitis and gastritis have also been reported. Section 4 – First Aid Measures

What are the stqs for hydrochloric acid?

Component DHS Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standard Hydrochloric acid Release STQs – 15000lb (concentration >=37%) Release STQs – 5000lb (anhydrous) Page 7 / 8 Hydrochloric Acid Solution, 6N (Certified)Revision Date 24-Dec-2021 Theft STQs – 500lb (anhydrous) Other International Regulations Mexico – GradeNo information available

What is the product name for hydrochloric acid?

SAFETY DATA SHEET . Hydrochloric Acid, 31 – 36% . Product Name: Hydrochloric Acid, 31 – 36.7% . Identified Uses: Acid etching, steel pickling, oil and gas, ore and mineral, food processing, pharmaceutical, organic chemical synthesis . Company Information: ASHTA Chemicals Inc. P.O. Box 858 Ashtabula, Ohio 44005 Phone: (440)997-5221