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What should be included in a daycare brochure?

What should be included in a daycare brochure?

An effective flyer for your daycare center should list staff certifications, medical training and instructors’ years of job experience. Parents relate to other parents so Including testimonials from current or past happy customers is also a great idea.

What is Title 22 childcare?

Child care centers and family day care homes in California are required to be licensed by the Community Care Licensing Division of the State Department of Social Services. All programs must meet the regulations specified in Title 22 of the California Administrative Code, which is based on the Health and Safety Code.

What should be in a preschool brochure?

Featuring bright colors, fun shapes and happy children is the key to a compelling preschool brochure. Upload your own photos of the classroom, activities and other adventures kids will have in your preschool class.

How many hours can a child be in daycare in MD?

Children may not be in care for more than 14 hours in a 24-hour period. No more than six children 2 years old may participate in a mixed-age group of 13 to 20 children. Group sizes for all ages are permitted to vary during outdoor play, field trips, and assemblies, but ratios must be maintained at all times.

What is in the brochure?

A brochure is usually folded and only includes summary information that is promotional in character. A booklet is usually several sheets of paper with a card stock cover and bound with staples, string, or plastic binding. In contrast, a single piece of unfolded paper is usually called an insert, flyer or bulletin.

How can I advertise my daycare?

Daycare Advertising Tips & Ideas

  1. Social Media Is Your Best Friend.
  2. You’re Never Not Networking.
  3. Old School Marketing Is Still Alive.
  4. Don’t Forget About Google Reviews.
  5. Put Together a Community Open House.
  6. Experiment With Paid Ads.
  7. Start a Parent Referral Program.
  8. Invest In a Parent-Friendly Management Platform.

What is the staff to child ratio in child care?

0 – 2 years – one adult to three children. 2 – 3 years – one adult to four children. 4 – 8 years – one adult to six children. 9 – 12 years – one adult to eight children.

What is a Title 5 student?

Title 5 guides the provision of services and instruction to students with disabilities. It also provides funding that offsets some of the additional costs of providing authorized services.

How old can a child be left alone in MD?

8 years
In Maryland, a child under the age of 8 years may not be left unattended at home, at school, or in a car. If a parent or guardian needs to leave a child who is younger than 8 years old, the parent or guardian must ensure that a reliable person, who is at least 13 years old will stay to protect the child.

What are the 5 parts of brochure?

Parts of a Brochure

  • Name and Logo. Your business’s name and logo are the building blocks your brochure should be designed around.
  • Brochure Cover. The cover image should make people want to own a piece of the dream you are advertising.
  • Slogan.
  • Main Text.
  • Contact Information.

What is a good brochure?

Good brochures present a logical pathway through the panels. a very detailed brochure with eight panels or more. Remember, making your brochure longer is not always a good idea. People often prefer brief information and may not be motivated to read something lengthy.