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What are the 10 examples of prefix and suffix?

What are the 10 examples of prefix and suffix?


  • ante- Examples: antebellum, antediluvian.
  • circum- Examples: circumnavigate, circumscribe, circumvent.
  • co-/com-/con- Examples: coexist, commiserate, contact.
  • en. Examples: encase, endow, envelope.
  • ex-/exo- Examples: exhale, extend, exoskeleton.
  • extra. Examples: extracurricular, extraterrestrial, extravert.
  • hyper.
  • inter-

What is prefix and examples?

A prefix is a letter or group of letters, for example ‘un-‘ or ‘multi-‘, which is added to the beginning of a word in order to form a different word. For example, the prefix ‘un-‘ is added to ‘ happy’ to form ‘unhappy’. Compare affix and , suffix.

What are 20 example of prefix?

Common Prefixes

Prefix Meaning Examples
ante- before, earlier, in front of antecedent, antedate, antemeridian, anterior
anti- against, opposite of anticlimax. antiaircraft, antiseptic, antibody
auto- self, same autopilot, autobiography, automobile, autofocus
circum- around, about circumvent, circumnavigate, circumscribe

What are the 20 examples of prefix?

Common Prefixes

Prefix Meaning Examples
anti- against, opposite of anticlimax. antiaircraft, antiseptic, antibody
auto- self, same autopilot, autobiography, automobile, autofocus
circum- around, about circumvent, circumnavigate, circumscribe
co- with, together co-pilot, co-worker, co-exist, co-author

What are the 20 examples of suffix?

20 Examples of Suffixes, Meaning and Examples

Suffix Meaning Example
-ence An action or state Difference
-er/or A person Teacher
–ery A type or place of work Bakery
–ess Makes a feminine form Waitress

What are the 10 most common prefixes?

anti- against. antifreeze.

  • de- opposite. defrost.
  • dis-* not, opposite of. disagree.
  • en-, em- cause to. encode, embrace.
  • fore- before. forecast.
  • in-, im- in. infield.
  • in-, im-, il-, ir-* not. injustice, impossible.
  • inter- between. interact.
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    Ex-Meaning; Former, older, out of, away from, lacking. Example Words; exhale, ex-wife, exauthorize, excentral.

  • Dis-Meaning; Not, opposite of, reverse.
  • Anti-Meaning; Against.
  • Pre-Meaning; Before.
  • Mis-Meaning; Wrong, wrongly.
  • Post-Meaning; Later.
  • Auto-Meaning; Self,
  • Re-Meaning; Again.
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    Noun Suffixes

    Suffix Meaning Example
    -er someone who performs an action helper, teacher, preacher, dancer
    -ion the action or process of celebration, opinion, decision, revision
    -ism theory, act or belief criticism, humanism, professionalism, patirotism
    -ity the state or condition of probability, equality, abnormality, civility

    Qu’est-ce que le suffixe?

    Un suffixe est une suite de lettres, qui s’ajoute à la fin d’un mot (appelé le radical ou mot racine). On obtient alors un nouveau mot de la même famille, appelé mot dérivé. Le radical contient l’idée principale. Le suffixe modifie le sens du radical. Les suffixes modifient la nature grammaticale du mot d’origine et…

    Quels sont les différents types de suffixe?

    Ils sont très nombreux et on en compte plusieurs dizaines dont: -ement, -able, -ier, -iste, -ien …. Pour enrichir votre vocabulaire, voici une liste utile : Cliquez ici ( Site Wiktionary ) Le suffixe se lie au radical pour former un seul mot, mais parfois la racine peut perdre quelques lettres ou être légèrement modifiée.

    Quels sont les avantages des suffixes?

    Le suffixe modifie le sens du radical. Les suffixes modifient la nature grammaticale du mot d’origine et peuvent donc transformer un adjectif en nom, en adverbe … (Et inversement) Exemple : grand (adjectif qualificatif) grandeur (nom commun) grandir (verbe)

    Quelle est la différence entre le suffixe et le radical?

    Le suffixe se lie au radical pour former un seul mot, mais parfois la racine peut perdre quelques lettres ou être légèrement modifiée. Exemples : mer / marin : la racine ″mer″ est devenue ″mar″. sel / salé : le radical ″sel″ se transforme en ″sal″.