How does overexploitation affect biodiversity?
Overharvesting, or overfishing in the case of fish and marine invertebrates, depletes some species to very low numbers and drives others to extinction. In practical terms, it reduces valuable living resources to such low levels that their exploitation is no longer sustainable.
What factors affect the Philippines biodiversity?
The continuing habitat degradation and forestland conversion are major threats to Philippine biodiversity. These are attributed primarily to large-scale and indiscriminate logging and mining, burgeoning human population, overharvesting of resources, and infrastructure development.
How over exploitation causes loss in biodiversity?
Overexploitation (overhunting and overfishing) is the process of harvesting too many aquatic or terrestrial animals, which depletes the stocks of some species while driving others to extinction. BIODIVERSITY LOSS IS CAUSED BY POLLUTION.
How has biodiversity loss affected the Philippines?
Because of the isolation of some of the islands of the Philippines since the Pleistocene era, Philippine forests are home to numerous endemic life forms. Rapid deforestation, transformation of mangrove swamps, and destruction of coral reefs all point to significant loss of biodiversity.
How does overexploitation of the natural environment affect biodiversity?
Overexploitation or overfishing is the removal of marine living resources to levels that are too low for sustaining viable populations. Ultimately, overexploitation can lead to resource depletion and put a number of threatened and endangered species at risk of extinction. See also the article Species extinction.
What is overexploitation in biodiversity?
The unsustainable use of natural resources and overexploitation, which occurs when harvesting exceeds reproduction of wild plant and animal species, continues to be a major threat to biodiversity.
What happened to the biodiversity of the Philippines?
The Philippines has already lost almost 93% of its original forest cover since 1990s. Similarly, the marine biodiversity and inland water biodiversity are deteriorating which is evident in the decreasing quality of water and fish in Laguna de Bay, the Philippine largest lake.
Which would be the most destructive to the Philippine biodiversity?
In the Philippines, deforestation (forest denudation and fragmentation) is a leading cause of habitat destruction that negatively impacts biodiversity on an exponential scale.
What is the status of biodiversity in the Philippines?
Although considered to be a mega – diversity country, the Philippines is also considered as one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots or biologically rich areas around the world that have lost at least 70 percent of their original habitat and with at least 700 threatened species most of which are caused by by human …
How does overexploitation affect the environment?
Overexploitation of wildlife can cause irreversible loss of species and populations, ecosystem perturbations, economic loss, food shortages, and spread of pathogens.
What are the effects of overexploitation?
Which human activity would be most destructive to the Philippines biodiversity?