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What is the projected prevalence of diabetes in 2045 by IDF?

What is the projected prevalence of diabetes in 2045 by IDF?

Results: It was estimated that in 2017 there are 451 million (age 18-99 years) people with diabetes worldwide. These figures were expected to increase to 693 million) by 2045.

Is diabetes common in the Middle East?

Specifically, the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA) carried the highest prevalence of diabetes in 2019 at 12.2% and is expected to witness a 96% increase in diabetes prevalence between 2019 and 2045, second only to the African region with a 143% projected rise[4].

How many people have diabetes in the Middle East?

73 million adults (20-79) are living with diabetes in the IDF MENA Region in 2021.

Is there a diabetes database?

The National Diabetes Statistics Report provides up-to-date information on the prevalence and incidence of diabetes and prediabetes, risk factors for complications, acute and long-term complications, deaths, and costs. These data can help focus efforts to prevent and control diabetes across the United States.

What is IDF Diabetes Atlas?

The IDF Diabetes Atlas 10th edition provides detailed information on the estimated and projected prevalence of diabetes, globally, by region, country and territory, for 2021, 2030 and 2045.

Which country has the highest diabetes rate?

Countries with the highest number of diabetics 2021 China is the country with the highest number of diabetics worldwide, with around 141 million people suffering from the disease.

Why do Arabs get diabetes?

Genetic risk factors may play a crucial role in this uncontrolled raise in the prevalence of T2DM in the Middle Eastern region. However, factors such as obesity, rapid urbanization and lack of exercise are other key determinants of this rapid increase in the rate of T2DM in the Arab world.

Why is diabetes high in developed countries?

The causes of type 2 diabetes are largely related to economic development. Urbanisation, mechanisation and globalisation lead to reduced physical activity and a diet that contains more fat and salt, which in turn lead to obesity and raised blood pressure. Diabetes therefore is a development issue.

Are Arabs prone to diabetes?

The overall age and sex-adjusted diabetes prevalence rates were much higher among Arabs 18.4% (95%CI: 17.6–19.1); and 10.3% (95%CI: 9.7–10.9) among Jews. Arab females had higher prevalence rates 20.0% (95%CI: 19–21) than Arab males 16.7% (95%CI: 15.7–17.8).

Where can I get diabetes data?

Access the latest on diabetes data and statistics through the National Diabetes Statistics Report and the Diabetes Report Card. You can also use the US Diabetes Surveillance System, an interactive web tool that provides diabetes data at national, state, and county levels and by age, sex, race/ethnicity, and education.

Who Type 2 diabetes statistics?

In 2018–2019 there were 3,919,505 people diagnosed with diabetes [Diabetes UK, 2019b]. About 90% of adults currently diagnosed have type 2 diabetes [Diabetes UK, 2019a]. About one million people with type 2 diabetes are currently undiagnosed [Diabetes UK, 2019a].

How many people have diabetes in the world 2019?

Results: The global diabetes prevalence in 2019 is estimated to be 9.3% (463 million people), rising to 10.2% (578 million) by 2030 and 10.9% (700 million) by 2045.