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How do you maintain a riding arena?

How do you maintain a riding arena?

Arena Maintenance Goals

  1. Keep sand particles and footing products mixed.
  2. Loosen a compact surface.
  3. Tighten a loose surface.
  4. Level out the surface – divots, deep/shallow spots, hard spots, etc.
  5. Eliminate ruts in high traffic areas.
  6. Pull in migrating materials.
  7. Minimize dust and promote drainage.

What is a horse riding ring called?

An outdoor enclosure for riding horses is called a riding arena, (training) ring (US English), or (outdoor) school (British English) or, sometimes, a manège (British English).

Can you drag an arena with a truck?

Some drags can be pulled with either a pickup truck or utility vehicle; others require a tractor with a 3-point hitch. Watering an arena can be done with nothing more than a garden hose and a sprinkler attachment, but many companies now offer arena watering systems that do the job much more efficiently.

How do I keep my outdoor arena dry?

Top Ways to Keep Your Riding Ring from Freezing

  1. Add New Footing. Thin, overly worn footing will freeze quickly and can also subject your horse’s legs and joints to the hard arena base below.
  2. Use Magnesium Chloride.
  3. Address Drainage Issues.
  4. Implement a Dragging Schedule.

How often should you harrow an arena?

On a sand arena, before you drag, use a shovel with a flat bottom edge to pull footing material from the edges back onto the track. In an arena with average use, this will need to be done every fifth or sixth time you harrow (or about every 10 days).

What is the best surface for a riding arena?

For best results, use a material that can be packed absolutely solid, such as decomposed granite or stone dust. When choosing the footing for your arena, use a form of sub-angular sand, such as masonry sand, rather than concrete sand.

How big should a horse ring be?

According to experts, the minimum dimensions for an average horse arena should be no less than 60′ in width and interior heights ranging from 16′ to 18′ measuring ground up to the peak of the trusses. The recommended horse arena sizes are as follows: 80′ wide x 200′ long and 60′ wide by 120′ long.

What is the best surface for a menage?

The traditional arena or menage topping can be silica sand, which initially looks good and rides well, but after heavy use or prolonged periods of rain, you may find it riding too deep, with the creation of ruts and pits. This is where our recycled equestrian rubber surface truly comes into its own.

Can you drag arena when wet?

Monitor the moisture content of your arena and realize that an outdoor arena requires a lot more water. Don’t try to drag or ride too soon on wet ground; this can damage your base.

How do I keep my arena from freezing?

Treat with Magnesium Chloride Magnesium Chloride can help to lower the freezing temperature of your arena, and it’s best used for indoor arenas, since it can wash away in outdoor applications. You’ll need between 2 and 4 ounces of Magnesium Chloride per square foot of arena space to prevent freezing.

What is the best horse arena footing?

Angular sand provides better stability than rounded sand particles, which behave similar to millions of ball bearings underfoot. Sand is often one of the cheapest materials to use for arena footing material, yet the hard, angular, washed sand that is most suitable as a riding surface is among the most expensive sands.

How deep should the sand be in a horse arena?

The depth of arena footing sand depends on the sand quality and the riding discipline. Usually, 3-4 inches of a fine sand is used for dressage and jumping arenas with a geotextile sand additive. For plain sand arenas, 2-3 inches of a fine sand is recommended.