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What are chondrites and chondrules?

What are chondrites and chondrules?

chondrite, in general, any stony meteorite characterized by the presence of chondrules. The only meteorites classified as chondrites that do not contain chondrules are the CI group. These meteorites are so heavily altered by water that it is unclear whether they once contained chondrules.

Do chondrites have chondrules?

CI (Ivuna type) chondrites entirely lack chondrules and refractory inclusions; they are composed almost exclusively of fine-grained material that has experienced a high degree of aqueous alteration on the parent asteroid.

What is the main difference between chondrites and achondrites?

is that chondrite is a meteorite consisting of rock containing chondrules while achondrite is any stony meteorite that contains no chondrules.

What is so special about chondrites?

Carbonaceous chondrites are arguably the most important class of meteorite for three reasons. First, members of the CI group have the most primitive bulk compositions of any chondrite—i.e., their nonvolatile element compositions are very similar to that of the Sun.

How old are ordinary chondrites?

Three H chondrites give very similar ages of c. 3900 Ma (although with different uncertainties), and several more have ages between 3500 Ma and 4100 Ma (Fig. 6).

How much is chondrite worth?

Stones consist of ordinary chondrites, which sell for between $3 and $10 per gram. Carbonaceous chondrites fetch about $8 per gram and up.

How do chondrules form?

Chondrules are believed to have formed by a rapid (flash) heating (within minutes or less) and melting of solid dust aggregates of approximately Solar composition under temperatures of about 1000 K. These temperatures are lower than those under which CAIs are thought to have formed.

Are chondrites valuable?

Carbonaceous chondrites are thus considered as being the most primitive objects in the solar system, and are accordingly highly prized since the examination of them can provide valuable insights as to the conditions that existed during the very earliest days of the solar system.

How much is a chondrite meteorite worth?

Are space rocks worth money?

Meteorites are quite valuable, worth as much as $1,000 per gram, according to the LiveScience website. Kellyco Metal Detectors posted on eBay that it can sell for $300 per gram or more — meaning 1 pound could be worth $1 million. “Meteorites are rarer than gold, platinum, diamonds or emeralds.

Where are chondrules found?

Today, in the inner solar system, these remnants are represented chiefly by the asteroids and their fragments; in the outer solar system, by the objects in and derived from the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud.