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CAN EX OR gate have 3 inputs?

CAN EX OR gate have 3 inputs?

Truth Table of 3 Input XOR Gate. For 3-input XOR gates, we can have the HIGH input when odd numbers of inputs are at HIGH level. So the 3-input OR gate is called as “Odd functioned OR gate”.

What is the truth table for ex or?

The two-input “Exclusive-OR” gate is basically a modulo two adder, since it gives the sum of two binary numbers and as a result are more complex in design than other basic types of logic gate. The truth table, logic symbol and implementation of a 2-input Exclusive-OR gate is shown below.

What is the truth table of XOR gate?

Truth Table: The output of an XOR gate is high (1) only when exactly one of its inputs is high (1). If both of an XOR gate’s inputs are low (0), or if both of its inputs are high (1), then the output of the XOR gate is low.

How many inputs can an XOR gate have?

two inputs
Although XOR gates can only have two inputs, you can perform the XOR operation using any number of inputs (e.g. 3 input XOR operation or 4 input XOR operation).

What is XOR gate formula?

A XOR gate is a gate that gives a true (1 or HIGH) output when the number of true inputs is odd. An XOR gate is also called exclusive OR gate or EXOR. In a two-input XOR gate, the output is high or true when two inputs are different. Contents show. XOR gate symbol.

What is XOR logic gate?

What is an XOR Gate? “XOR” an abbreviation for “Exclusively-OR.” The simplest XOR gate is a two-input digital circuit that outputs a logical “1” if the two input values differ, i.e., its output is a logical “1” if either of its inputs are 1, but not at the same time (exclusively).

What is an XOR operation?

(eXclusive OR) A Boolean logic operation that is widely used in cryptography as well as in generating parity bits for error checking and fault tolerance. XOR compares two input bits and generates one output bit. The logic is simple. If the bits are the same, the result is 0. If the bits are different, the result is 1.

What is the equation of a three input AND gate?

y = a’bc’ + ab’c’ + ab’c The combinational circuit constructed from these two equations is shown in (a) of Figure 1.4(f). . Each 3-variable AND term is replaced by a 3-input AND gate.

Can XOR have more than 2 inputs?

If both of an XOR gate’s inputs are false, or if both of its inputs are true, then the output of the XOR gate is false. If an XOR gate has more than two inputs, then its behavior depends on its implementation. In the vast majority of cases, an XOR gate will output true if an odd number of its inputs is true.