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What kind of fluid goes in a Jeep transfer case?

What kind of fluid goes in a Jeep transfer case?

Yes, the transfer case requires atf. Atf+4 would be a good choice. Personally, I would run Redline MTL in your nv3550 transmission.

Can I use ATF 4 in my transfer case?

You can run +4 in the t-case no problem.

Is transfer case fluid the same as differential fluid?

The transfer case acts like a differential, but channels power to the two differentials on different axles rather than to two wheels on the same axle. As in a gearbox, a differential and transfer case require fluid to lubricate the gears, shafts and bearings where metal slides over metal.

Does the transfer case share oil with the transmission?

Registered. The transfer case uses gear oil, such as 85W90, etc. but there may be a hole for transmission fluid to pass to one side of the oil sealer in the transfer case for lubrications. You need to make sure where the leak come from , what fluid (gear oil or transmission fluid).

Can I use ATF in transfer case?

Re: What is the difference between Transfer Fluid and Automatic Transmission Fluid. In the case of the autos, they put ATF in the Tcase. If it was a manual, they’d put gear oil in it. So yes, the same ATF you use in your trans can be used to refill the Tcase.

What is NV245 transfer case fluid?

Mopar NV245-NV247-NV249 Transfer Case Lubricant 0,946 L Mopar NV245-NV247-NV249 Transfer Case Oil ensures that the transmission functions properly in a wide variety of operations and provides maximum traction in a wide range of conditions – especially on inclines, rough terrain or extremely slippery surfaces.

Can you put ATF in a transfer case?

Transfer cases may be filled with gear oil, automatic transmission fluid (ATF), or specialty lubricants. It is important to regularly inspect the transfer case for any damage, leaks, or other concerns.

How often should you change the oil in a transfer case?

The transfer case fluid should be changed periodically, normally every 30,000 miles, especially in vehicles that tow or use four-wheel-drive often. If the transfer case fluid becomes contaminated or runs low, it can lead to the transfer case burning up.