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What is use of repository Manager in Informatica?

What is use of repository Manager in Informatica?

Informatica PowerCenter Repository Manager is a GUI based Administrative client component, which allows user to create new domains and used to organize the meta data stored in the Repository. Folders in Repository are used to organize the meta data.

What type of repository is available in Informatica repository Manager?

Local repositories. A local repository is any repository within the domain that is not the global repository. Use local repositories for development. From a local repository, you can create shortcuts to objects in shared folders in the global repository.

What are the two types of repositories in Informatica?

– Local Repository: this allows the repository to be given within the domain using the global repository. – Versioned Repository: this is the repository used for the local as well as global object as it allows the version control of it as well.

What are the different uses of a repository manager?

Repository Manager

  • Manage user and group permissions. Assign and revoke folder and global object permissions.
  • Perform folder functions. Create, edit, copy, and delete folders.
  • View metadata. Analyze sources, targets, mappings, and shortcut dependencies, search by keyword, and view the properties of repository objects.

What is repository in Informatica?

The repository consists of database tables that store metadata. Metadata describes different types of objects, such as mappings and transformations, that you can create or modify using the PowerCenter Client tools. The Integration Service uses repository objects to extract, transform, and load data.

How many types of repositories are there in Informatica?

> Two types of repositories are there. > repositires across multiple domain. 2> Global Repositories.

How many types of repository are there in Informatica?

What is repository service in Informatica?

The Repository Service is a separate, multi-threaded process that retrieves, inserts, and updates metadata in the repository database tables. The Repository Service ensures the consistency of metadata in the repository.

What is Informatica model repository service?

The Model Repository Service is an application service that manages the Model repository. The Model repository stores metadata created by Informatica clients and application services in a relational database to enable collaboration among the clients and services.

Which of the following activities can be performed using repository Manager?

Use the Repository Manager to complete the following tasks: Add domain connection information. You can configure domain connection information. Add and connect to a repository.

Who manages all operations of Informatica domain?

You use Informatica Administrator to manage the domain.