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How do I make the first letter capital in SAS?

How do I make the first letter capital in SAS?

In SAS you can use the LOWCASE function to convert a string to lowercase. Likewise, you can use the UPCASE function to convert a string in uppercase. With the UPCASE function, you can make a string proper case, i.e. the first letter of each word is in uppercase while the remainder is in lowercase.

How do you capitalize variable names in SAS?

Easy way to UPCASE variable names of SAS dataset

  1. option validvarname=upcase;
  2. by name;
  3. %do i = 1 %to &nvars
  4. %end;

How do you do a proper case in SAS?

You can use the following methods to convert strings to uppercase, lowercase, and proper case in SAS:

  1. Method 1: Convert String to Uppercase new_string = UPCASE(old_string);
  2. Method 2: Convert String to Lowercase new_string = LOWCASE(old_string);
  3. Method 3: Convert String to Proper Case. new_string = PROPCASE(old_string);

What is Propcase in SAS?

The PROPCASE function copies a character argument and converts all uppercase letters to lowercase letters . It then converts to uppercase the first character of a word that is preceded by a blank, forward slash, hyphen, open parenthesis, period, or tab. PROPCASE returns the value that is altered .

What is Tranwrd SAS?

The TRANWRD function replaces or removes all occurrences of a given substring (or a pattern of characters) within a character string. The TRANWRD function does not remove trailing blanks in the target-expression string and the replacement-expression string.

What does Index function do in SAS?

By definition, the INDEX function will search a character string for a specified string of characters. If a match is found, the INDEX function returns the position of the first occurrence of the string’s first character, when searched from left to right.

How do you change a variable name in SAS?

There may be occasions in which you want to change some of the variable names in your SAS data set. To do so, you’ll want to use the RENAME= option. As its name suggests, the RENAME= option allows you to change the variable names within a SAS data set. RENAME = (old1=new1 old2=new2 ….

What is a proper case?

Proper case is any text that is written with each of the first letters of every word being capitalized. For example, “This Is An Example Of Proper Case.” is an example of sentence in proper case. Tip. Proper case should not be confused with Title case, which is most of the words being capitalized.

How Do You Use sentence case in SAS?

Omit the space and change the delimiter and this creates sentence case: PROPCASE(variable,’/’): This is the title of my new paper. In this example, the c is not capitalized by this method, because it follows a period, rather than a space. variable=Mr. Smith Goes To Washington D.c. PROPCASE(variable,’ .

What is Propcase?

The Basics. The PROPCASE function copies a character argument and converts all uppercase letters to lowercase letters. It then converts to uppercase the first character of a word that is preceded by a blank, forward slash, hyphen, open parenthesis, period, or tab. PROPCASE returns the value that is altered.

How do I use Tranwrd in SAS?

How to Easily Replace Characters in a String in SAS

  1. Start the TRANWRD function.
  2. Specify the input variable that contains the character you want to replace.
  3. Specify the character that you want to replace.
  4. Specify the character that replaces the unwanted character.
  5. Close the TRANWRD function.

What is Compbl in SAS?

The COMPBL function removes multiple blanks in a character string by translating each occurrence of two or more consecutive blanks into a single blank.