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Who is the Onslow County DA?

Who is the Onslow County DA?

Attorney Ernie Lee
Onslow County primary elections coming up as District Attorney Ernie Lee runs for 4th term.

Who is the DA in Jacksonville NC?

Enjoyed joining Jacksonville Police Chief Michael Yaniero and officers from the Jacksonville Police Department recently for “Coffee with a Cop” at the Grazing Tray & Coffee Haven.

What is a local DA?

In the United States, a district attorney (DA), state’s attorney, prosecuting attorney, commonwealth’s attorney, or state attorney is the chief prosecutor and/or chief law enforcement officer representing a U.S. state in a local government area, typically a county or a group of counties.

Who is the state attorney for Duval County?

Melissa Nelson took office as the State Attorney for Florida’s Fourth Judicial Circuit in January 2017. There, she leads 300 plus attorneys, staff, and investigators in their pursuit of justice.

What do DAs do?

District attorneys (DAs) are more than just prosecutors. The district attorney’s job is to seek justice in criminal cases, work to prevent crime, and serve as a leader in the diverse communities they represent. The DA is also an elected official.

How do I contact the Florida State Attorney?

You may contact us by using any of the options below

Switchboard: 850-414-3300
Citizens Services: 850-414-3990
Human Resources ADA Coordinator: 850-414-3900
Florida Relay/TDD: 800-955-8771
Florida Toll Free: 1-866-966-7226

Who is the most powerful person in the courtroom?

Prosecutors are the most powerful officials in the American criminal justice system. The decisions they make, particularly the charging and plea-bargaining decisions, control the operation of the system and often predetermine the outcome of criminal cases.