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Which foods reduce homocysteine?

Which foods reduce homocysteine?

Studies show foods containing folic acid may lower homocysteine. Try beans, leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, beets, and wheat germ. A controlled trial showed that eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables containing folic acid, beta-carotene and vitamin C effectively lowered homocysteine levels.

What increases levels of homocysteine?

What causes raised levels? Many factors are thought to raise levels of homocysteine. Among these are poor diet, poor lifestyle especially smoking and high coffee and alcohol intake.

Does coffee raise homocysteine levels?

Consumption of unfiltered or filtered coffee raises total homocysteine concentrations in healthy volunteers.

Do eggs raise homocysteine?

Conclusions: Dietary intervention with egg protein prevented elevated circulating homocysteine concentrations in a rat model of hyperhomocysteinemia, due in part to upregulation of hepatic BHMT. These data may support the inclusion of egg protein for dietary recommendations targeting hyperhomocysteinemia prevention.

What foods are high in homocysteine?

Homocysteine is a sulfur-containing amino acid that the body produces from another amino acid, called methionine. Foods that are high in methionine include meat, egg whites, and seafood. Homocysteine is usually found in very small amounts in your body.

How do I reduce homocysteine?

Elevated homocysteine levels can be lowered. We know that folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 are all involved in breaking down homocysteine in the blood. Therefore, increasing your intake of folic acid and B vitamins may lower your homocysteine level.

Does vitamin C lower homocysteine?

The bottom line for the consumer who wishes to lower his/her plasma levels of homocysteine is that a dose of Vitamin C in the range of 500 mg per day or greater may interfere with Folic acid’s ability to accomplish this.

Does exercise increase homocysteine?

Current evidence demonstrates that acute exercise increases homocysteine levels in the blood independent of exercise duration and intensity. Resistance, but not aerobic training decreases plasma homocysteine levels.

Does Tea raise homocysteine levels?

Conclusions: Chlorogenic acid, a compound in coffee, and black tea raise total homocysteine concentrations in plasma. Chlorogenic acid could be partly responsible for the higher homocysteine concentrations observed in coffee drinkers.

Does exercise lower homocysteine?

Conclusions. Current evidence demonstrates that acute exercise increases homocysteine levels in the blood independent of exercise duration and intensity. Resistance, but not aerobic training decreases plasma homocysteine levels.

How can I reduce homocysteine in my body?

We know that folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 are all involved in breaking down homocysteine in the blood. Therefore, increasing your intake of folic acid and B vitamins may lower your homocysteine level. A good source of folate can be found in fruits and vegetables (especially green leafy vegetables).

Does zinc lower homocysteine?

With zinc supplementation, homocysteine levels reduced significantly (from 13.71 ± 3.84 μmol/l to 11.79 ± 3.06 μmol/l; p < 0.05), which did not occur on placebo (from 12.59 ± 2.13 μmol/l to 13.36 ± 2.03 μmol/l).