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How to take care of oncidium orchids?

How to take care of oncidium orchids?

Many oncidiums require less humidity than other orchids. Most greenhouses have adequate humidity. In the home, placing the plants above moist pebbles in trays is ideal. Fertilize regularly while plants are actively growing.

How often do oncidium orchids bloom?

1-2 times a year
There is no ‘blooming season’ for Oncidiums – they bloom whenever a new growth matures which can be 1-2 times a year.

How often to water oncidium?

every two to ten days
A good general rule is that Oncidiums with thicker roots and leaves will not need to be watered as frequently as those with thinner leaves. Plants should be watered thoroughly with lukewarm to room temperature water every two to ten days, when the planting media is half dry.

What is the best potting mix for Oncidium orchids?

Many Oncidiums are tightly packed in potting material that does not promote long-term health. The potting mix that I use and trust is by Bonsai Jack. This mix is made primarily of Fir bark and supplemented with horticulture charcoal and perlite to allow optimum airflow to the orchid’s roots.

Can Oncidiums grow indoors?

1 The most common oncidium orchids grow well under normal indoor conditions. They have large pseudobulbs (a bulbous thickened area of the stem) that come up from a mass of thin white roots. The large leaves can get up to 2 feet long and emerge from the pseudobulbs. Oncidiums typically flower in the fall.

Is Oncidium easy to grow?

Oncidium orchids are fast-growing and easy to cultivate. Well cared for plants put out new bulbs all the time, forming large clumps. Simply break them apart into divisions of three or so. You may not even need tools to do it!

Do dancing orchids like full sun?

Oncidium orchid plants need plenty of light, but not direct sun. If you don’t have a spot near a window, artificial lighting works beautifully.

Where do I put my dancing lady orchid?

They do well in east or west windows, though it doesn’t hurt to soften the light a bit with a sheer curtain. Healthy Dancing Lady orchids have medium green leaves; dark green leaves indicate they aren’t getting enough sun.