What activities can cause testicular torsion?
Testicular torsion can happen to boys and men of any age, but is most common in 12- to 18-year-olds. It can happen after strenuous exercise, while someone is sleeping, or after an injury to the scrotum. A lot of times, though, there is no apparent cause.
Can physical activity cause testicular torsion?
Testicular torsion often occurs several hours after vigorous activity, after a minor injury to the testicles or while sleeping. Cold temperature or rapid growth of the testicle during puberty also might play a role.
Can your balls pop?
The testicles are male reproductive glands surrounded by two layers of tough, fibrous tissue. They’re encased in the scrotum. Despite that protection, testicle rupture is possible, particularly in the event of blunt trauma.
How can I relieve my balls?
Pain that doesn’t require medical care can be treated at home using the following measures:
- Wear an athletic supporter, or cup, to support the scrotum.
- Use ice to reduce swelling in the scrotum.
- Take warm baths.
- Support your testicles while lying down by placing a rolled towel under your scrotum.
Will swollen testicle go away?
A mild swollen testicle after an injury is common and often goes away after a few days. However, large, or sudden swelling should be immediately treated, as it may point to a more serious underlying condition.
How do I treat a swollen testicle at home?
Home treatment
- using ice on the scrotum to relieve swelling, normally within the first 24 hours of noticing the swelling.
- taking an over-the-counter pain reliever.
- wearing athletic support.
- using a sitz or shallow bath to reduce swelling.
- avoiding strenuous activities.
How do I check myself for testicular torsion?
Examine one testicle at a time. Start by gently gripping the top of the scrotum, with your thumb on top and your fingers underneath. Pinch gently so that the testicle stays put and won’t move during the exam. Between your fingers, you should feel the spermatic cord.
Are men’s balls squishy?
The testicles should feel smooth, without any lumps or bumps, and firm but not hard. You may feel a soft tube at the back of each testicle, which is called the epididymis. If you notice any changes or anything unusual about your testicles, you should see a GP.
Do balls move on their own?
His testicles will move in the direction away from where your hand is touching. This response is known as the cremasteric reflex, which is a safety maneuver that the testicles perform to stay out of harm’s way.
Why is my one testicle swollen?
Orchitis (pronounced or-kit-es) is a swelling in one or both testicles. It’s the result of an infection, which may be viral, bacterial or sexually transmitted (STI). You may have mild to severe pain and swelling. Orchitis often begins in one testicle, and then gradually spreads to the other.