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What caused the Indonesian forest fires?

What caused the Indonesian forest fires?

One of the most talked-about causes of these forest and land fires is climate change. The El Nino weather phenomenon, for example, occurs once every three to eight years, producing severe drought due to a lack of precipitation. The worst forest fires in recent history occurred in 1997 and 2015, both El Nino years.

Is Indonesia still burning forest?

JAKARTA — Indonesia’s land and forest fires burned a greater area this year than in 2020, with most of the fires occurring in West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara, two provinces that were until recently not major sites of burning.

Why is so much of the Indonesian rainforest being burned down?

The vast majority of the fires in the Amazon and Indonesia are manmade and intentional—the result of illegal deforestation and clearing of farmland. Wildfires are in fact quite rare in tropical rainforests, due to the high humidity.

Is Indonesia burning again?

Indonesia’s annual fire season has started again, with hotspots detected in 10 provinces. Some of the fires have been detected in protected areas with large swaths of peatland.

Why did the Indonesian fires of 1997 1998 have such a widespread impact?

The fires and haze compounded the woes of the region’s economies, which have been reeling from a dive in investor confidence, over-inflated property values, and improper business practices, leading to widespread bank failures and a downturn in currencies.

How much of Indonesia has been deforested?

The country lost 115,459 hectares (285,300 acres) of forest cover in 2020, an area the size of Los Angeles. That’s a 75% drop from 2019, according to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

How much of Indonesian forests have been destroyed?

Indonesia has already lost 72 percent of its intact forests. This is threatening the habitat of species like Sumatran tigers and orangutans, as well as harming the millions of people who depend on Indonesia’s forests for their food, shelter and livelihoods.

How many trees are cut down each year in Indonesia?

The data reported deforestation of 440,000 hectares in 2018, slightly lower than the 2017 number of 480,000 hectares. Global Forest Watch released similar numbers showing a 40 percent decrease in deforestation in Indonesia’s primary forests in 2018, compared to the average annual rate of loss from 2002-2016.

What is Indonesia doing to stop deforestation?

Instead of zero deforestation, Indonesia has opted to rehabilitate forests and peatland in a bid to absorb the same amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere that is released by deforestation, a strategy dubbed forestry and land use net carbon sink.

Which year had the most forest fire in Asia?

These fires may have been the largest in human history. In 1987, another 5 million acres (2 million ha) of forest, 70 percent of which was primary forest, went up in smoke in Kalimantan, Sumatra, East Timor, Sulawesi, and Java. In 1991, fires burned more than 125,000 acres (50,000 ha) of forest.

What area of peatlands were burned in the Indonesian fires of 1997?

Here, using satellite images of a 2.5 million hectare study area in Central Kalimantan, Borneo, from before and after the 1997 fires, we calculate that 32% (0.79 Mha) of the area had burned, of which peatland accounted for 91.5% (0.73 Mha).

Is deforestation increasing in Indonesia?

Indonesia’s deforestation rate hit a historic low in 2020, with the government crediting its policies, including its social forestry policy, as well as its prohibition of forest clearing.