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What does the DMRT1 gene do?

What does the DMRT1 gene do?

DMRT1 is involved in sex determination and gonadal development across a broad range of species. DMRT proteins are transcription factors that share a DNA-binding domain that is similar to a zinc finger, called the DM domain.

Do females have DMRT1?

In the mouse, DMRT1 plays a major role in male but not female gonadal development, as appears to be the case in humans [Raymond et al., 2000].

Where is the gene located that determines testicular development?

the Y chromosome
The testis-determining factor gene (TDF) lies on the Y chromosome and is responsible for initiating male sex determination. SRY is a gene located in the sex-determining region of the human and mouse Y chromosomes and has many of the properties expected for TDF.

What are Bipotential gonads?

A bipotential gonad is defined as an undifferentiated phase of gonadal development where the male (XY) and female (XX) undifferentiated gonads appear identical and they can either develop into testes or ovaries.

Which gene determines gender?

The X and Y chromosomes, also known as the sex chromosomes, determine the biological sex of an individual: females inherit an X chromosome from the father for a XX genotype, while males inherit a Y chromosome from the father for a XY genotype (mothers only pass on X chromosomes).

What will happen if a female has an SRY gene?

Without functional sex-determining region Y protein, a fetus will not develop testes but will develop a uterus and fallopian tubes, despite having an X and a Y chromosome.

Can a male have female chromosomes?

Indeed it can. A gene on the X chromosome (the chromosome one typically associates with “femaleness”) called DAX1 when present in double copy in a male (XY) mouse, turns it into a female.

What is the Bipotential primordium?

Founding cell lineages in the gonad. There are two different types of bipotential primordia: (1) primordia in which cells located in different regions have different fate potentials; and (2) primordia in which the same cells have two different possible fates.

What is the definition of Gonadogenesis?

Noun. gonadogenesis (uncountable) (physiology) The generation and development of the gonads.