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What makes a cat a show cat?

What makes a cat a show cat?

A show cat (also known as a purebred cat or pedigreed cat) is one that has been judged to be close to the physical ideal for its breed standard at a cat show.

What do judges look for in a cat show?

The judge takes each cat, one at a time, out of its cage, stands it on the judging table, and looks for characteristics outlined in the written standards for each breed. These include head shape, bone structure, and coat color and texture, as well as overall health and condition.

Is there money in cat shows?

Each judge makes their decisions independantly of each other, so each ring is rather like a miniature show. What do the cats win? Rosettes and points accumulated toward various titles. Except in the rare show, there are no cash prizes.

Can my cat be a show cat?

Which neutered or spayed cats can compete at a CFA show? Neutered and spayed random bred cats/kittens, and pedigreed cats that do not conform to the written Breed Standard, may compete in a CFA show in the Household Pets (HHP) class as long as they have all of their claws (have not been surgically declawed).

Can neutered cats be show cats?

They may begin exhibiting at four months old. When they reach eight months of age, they must be spayed or neutered. They may not be declawed.

What is a Grand Champion cat?

A cat retains its title after he or she has been neutered, so many cats are “Champion & Premier”, “Imperial Grand Champion & UK Grand Premier” etc.

Can you show a desexed cat?

13.6 Neutered males and speyed female cats may be shown only in Neuter or Speyed classes. 13.7 Desexed cats must qualify in the Neuter qualifying class for the Golden Award Finals. Entires who qualify for Golden Awards Finals and are then desexed must re-qualify in the Neuter class for the Golden Award Finals.

How much does a show cat cost?

Now, if you want to take it to another level and buy a show-quality kitten, it will cost you from $1,000 to $3,000, and can go all the way up to $15,000. Show-quality cats are the highest in quality, and there are many variations in the cats that fall into this category.

Can I sell pictures of my cat?

Sell photos of your pets to stock photo galleries You can also make money by selling them to stock galleries and other online resources. Believe it or not, people really need these to help draw people to their articles, products or website with your adorable pet’s pictures.

Are show cats neutered?

When they reach eight months of age, they must be spayed or neutered. They may not be declawed. As there is no breed standard, these cats are judged on purely appearance, grooming, health/condition, and temperament/personality. Cats run an obstacle course in an enclosed area.

Can show cats be neutered?