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What kind of paint do you use for distressing furniture?

What kind of paint do you use for distressing furniture?

Yes you can distress furniture paint with regular flat latex paint. It’s a budget friendly alternative. A flat latex paint is easy to sand and you can use my vinegar and water distressing technique . You can layer two colors, and create lots of the looks if you use flat latex paint.

How long should paint dry before distressing?

#2 Furniture Paint Distressing Technique: Dry Distress Wait for the paint to completely dry for this one. I usually wait for at least 24 hours. The wet/dry sanding block works perfectly for this technique also.

Do you distress before or after wax?

When you distress your furniture after you apply your initial coat of wax, you don’t want to wait a day or two to do so. You will have an easier time of it if you distress immediately after you paint and wax… before the paint has had a chance to thoroughly dry and begin its curing process.

Do I distress or wax first?

It is a much cleaner process! Wax tends to hold in the dust from the sanding itself keeping an extremely limited amount of free-floating particulates in the air that would otherwise be all over the place if you distressed before you waxed. You have much more control over your distressing by doing it after you wax.

What colors are shabby chic?

Shabby chic decorating colors include all shades of soft and creamy white, pale pink and purple colors, pastel blue and green colors, light gray color tones with a touch of brown colors of natural wood.

How to paint and distress wood furniture for perfect patina?

lightly spray your flexible sandpaper with water

  • wrap your sandpaper around a sand block
  • dab dry to make sure your sandpaper is damp but not soaked
  • apply light pressure to sand away paint along edges
  • use the cloth to wipe away distressed paint and dust
  • continue until you achieve the level of distressing that you desire.
  • How to distress painted furniture?

    Don’t run it over the whole area. Skip some areas. Natural wear would not be uniform.

  • Don’t distress fronts of pieces or areas that would never get touched or knocked into.
  • Err on the lighter side for distressing.
  • I don’t use an electric sander because I like to control the amount of pressure. If you do,make sure to hit only the edges.
  • How to distress the paint on wooden furniture?

    The first coat Apply one coat of paint to your piece; let it dry completely.

  • The second coat Apply a second coat in a different/contrasting color. Wait about 1-2 hours until the paint is dry to the touch.
  • Distressing
  • How to get the perfect distressed finish with chalk paint?

    – Once I realized my mistake I made sure to only build up the areas I wanted to distress most, like the edges, with a little more paint – Depending on how heavy you distress, you may want two coats of your accent color so you don’t cut right through to the wood – Next, I painted two coats of Annie Sloan Old White Chalk Paint