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What is tobramycin dexamethasone used for?

What is tobramycin dexamethasone used for?

Tobramycin and dexamethasone is a combination of an antibiotic and a corticosteroid. It is used in the eye to prevent permanent damage, which may occur with certain eye problems. This medicine is available only with your doctor’s prescription.

How long does it take tobramycin and dexamethasone to work?

Most often the four times daily dosage can be tapered after 4 to 5 more days of treatment and the ointment discontinued. Most bacterial infections will show some improvement using TobraDex for 2 to 3 days. If the infection shows no improvement within 2 to 3 days, consider culturing or changing to another medication.

What are the side effects of tobramycin and dexamethasone?

Dexamethasone and tobramycin ophthalmic side effects

  • severe eye redness, itching, or swelling;
  • blurred vision, tunnel vision, seeing halos around lights;
  • pain behind your eyes, sudden vision changes;
  • slow healing after eye surgery; or.
  • signs of eye infection–redness, severe discomfort, crusting or drainage.

What are the side effects of tobramycin eye drops?

What are the side effects of Tobramycin Ophthalmic (Tobrex)?

  • eye itching or redness;
  • mild burning, stinging, or irritation;
  • itchy or puffy eyelids;
  • blurred vision; or.
  • your eyes may be more sensitive to light.

How many days should I use tobramycin eye drops?

Use the drops twice a day for seven days, unless you have been told otherwise by your doctor. Your vision may become slightly blurred for a short while after using the drops. If so, do not drive and do not use tools or machines until you can see clearly again.

What eye conditions does dexamethasone treat?

Dexamethasone eye insert is used to treat eye pain and swelling after eye surgery. It is also used to treat itching of the eye caused by a condition known as allergic conjunctivitis.

Can tobramycin damage your eyes?

Loteprednol and tobramycin eye drops is not for long-term use. Steroid eye drops may cause glaucoma (increased pressure inside the eye) or posterior subcapsular cataracts (a rare type of cataract) if used too long. Slow or delayed healing may also occur while you are using this medicine after cataract surgery.

Is tobramycin a strong antibiotic?

Tobramycin is a powerful antibiotic useful in many medical cases. Often used in patients with cystic fibrosis, this antibiotic is only appropriate in specific circumstances.

How long does it take for tobramycin eye drops to work?

This medication should start having effects within 1 to 2 hours; however, you may not see the effects of this medication outwardly. Your animal should begin feeling better within 1 to 2 days. The effects of this medication are short-lived, meaning they will stop working within 24 hours.

Can antibiotic eye drops hurt your eyes?

Stinging/burning of the eyes for a minute or two or temporary blurred vision may occur . If any of these effects last or get worse, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Remember that this medication has been prescribed because your doctor has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects.

What is the fastest way to cure an eye infection?

Salt water, or saline, is one of the most effective home remedies for eye infections. Saline is similar to teardrops, which is your eye’s way of naturally cleansing itself. Salt also has antimicrobial properties. Because of this, it only stands to reason that saline can treat eye infections effectively.