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What is the most useful golf wedge?

What is the most useful golf wedge?

Any wedge with 7 to 10 degrees of bounce is considered to be a mid-bounce wedge. It will be the most versatile option, suited to a wider range of conditions and swing types.

How often should golf wedges be replaced?

about every 18 to 24 months
Studies have shown that a typical wedge will last 65-75 rounds before there’s a dip in performance. For the average recreational golfer who plays regularly, that comes out to about every 18 to 24 months.

Are old wedges good?

The numbers tell us that wedge gurus are correct in saying that new wedges work better than the old ones when it comes to creating spin. The older the wedge, the less it will likely spin at all distances.

Should I carry a 56 or 58 degree wedge?

So generally think about putting in a gap wedge that’s 48 or 50 degrees, a sand wedge that’s between 54 and 56 degrees, and a lob wedge that’s between 58 and 60 degrees. These are general guidelines, make sure you’re working with your fitter to get the gapping that works best for you.

What bounce should I get on my 60-degree wedge?

What is the best bounce for 60-Degree Wedge? A 5°-8° bounce is considered best for a 60-degree wedge. Bounce refers to the angle formed between the leading edge of the club and the sole (bottom of the club). This angle is visible when your golf club establishes contact with the ground during impact.

Should a high handicapper use a 60-degree wedge?

What Loft Wedges Should A High Handicapper Carry? High handicappers should carry at least a 56-degree wedge. In addition, it makes sense to have a 52-degree wedge and a 60-degree wedge to have a variety of shots. The thing that you have to pay attention to is the loft gapping in the set.

Do pros use Rusty wedges?

Rusty wedges appear in many a tour pro’s bag. Sometimes, the rust is a result of a hard life spent splashing shots out of bunkers and pounding golf balls from the turf on ranges around the globe. But usually it is totally inentional.

Can wedges go bad?

A cast wedge will last much longer than a forged one. Additionally, the kinds of conditions a golfer plays will affect a wedge’s lifespan. Sand will wear out the face more than pitch shots off the grass. If you happen to play a course with more bunkers, they will likely wear down quicker.

How do you know when to replace wedges?

If you want to maximize your game, you should consider swapping out or buying new wedges every 12-36 months, depending on how often you play and the durability of the equipment. When in doubt, take the time to get fitted and seek the services of the professional club fitters from Tour Quality Golf.

What degree wedge is best for sand?

A 56-degree sand wedge is suited for hitting out of the sand or for a golfer who hits behind the golf ball a lot. The higher degree of bounce helps the club glide through the sand or dirt, which makes it the most versatile wedge in the bag.

What wedges should a high handicapper carry?

What Loft Wedges Should A High Handicapper Carry? High handicappers should carry at least a 56-degree wedge. In addition, it makes sense to have a 52-degree wedge and a 60-degree wedge to have a variety of shots.

Should a high handicapper use a 60 degree wedge?

What are best wedges out there?

S: Sandwedge. Has a super wide sole (lots of bounce) to make it easier to get out of bunkers.

  • C: Chipper. Tired of chunking chip shots and hitting chip shots fat,too? Get the C. Wider sole for more bounce (less digging into the ground).
  • G: Gap wedge. Need a wedge for longer shots (70-120 yards) that won’t dig into the ground? Get the G.
  • What is the best wedge for senior golfers?

    Pitching wedge: The pitching wedge is the most common type of wedge,as it is often included in a set of irons you may buy.

  • Gap wedge: The recent introduction of the gap wedge gave golfers a wedge that fit between the pitching and sand wedges.
  • Sand wedge: The sand wedge is another common type of wedge.
  • What wedges do the pros use?

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    How to choose the right golf wedge?

    Good,new-ish grooves. Old,worn down grooves that have been hit a million times won’t spin the ball like newer,deeper grooves will.

  • A good golf ball. Sorry,but your$10/dozen Noodle golf balls won’t spin much,even if you hit them perfectly.
  • A solid strike. Most golfers try to help the golf ball in the air with a wedge.
  • Good,fast greens.