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What happens if you take Cherry to Rivet City?

What happens if you take Cherry to Rivet City?

You Gotta Shoot ‘Em in the Head: Cherry will steal Dukov’s special key if the Lone Wanderer agrees to take her to Rivet City. Upon arrival, there will be a Karma boost and Cherry will subsequently wander around Rivet City. If she isn’t brought to Rivet City within five in-game days, she will return to Dukov on her own.

How do you get Dogmeat back in Fallout 3?

Dogmeat can be brought to Point Lookout by having him search for an item just before sleeping on the cot in the Duchess Gambit. He will approach the player in Point Lookout after six days. He can be returned to the Capital Wasteland simply by taking the Duchess back, resulting in him automatically waiting at Vault 101.

What happens if you give Mr Crowley the keys?

Deliver the keys to Crowley Kill Allistair Tenpenny and give Mister Crowley all three keys to collect your reward. He will then proceed to Fort Constantine to retrieve the armor. He will return to Underworld after a few days (provided he did not get killed in the Wasteland).

What happens if Charon dies Fallout 3?

If Charon dies when he is still under the contract, you cannot fire him or drop his contract from your inventory, this result makes the player permanently unable to acquire a human companion. This bug can be fixed by loading an auto-save/save file or using the console to remove his contract.

Where do I take the cherry in Fallout 3?

Cherry’s Freedom is an Unmarked Quest in Fallout 3. Cherry is found at Dukov’s Place, she offers her “services” to Dukov in exchange for protection….

Cherry’s Freedom
Received by Cherry
Reward(s) Good Karma
Related Quests You Gotta Shoot ‘Em in the Head

Does Dogmeat stay dead in Fallout 3?

Fallout 3 – Game of the Year Edition be a basket full of puppies at the entrance of Vault 101 (your home). From now on, you can get a new Dogmeat here, if the old one dies. Well at level 22 (you need Broken Steel loaded to raise the level cap from 20 to 30) you can get a perk that allows Dogmeat to respawn, sort of.

What happens if you launch the ICBM from Fort Constantine?

These can be used to launch the ICBM from the Fort Constantine launch control terminal in the launch control bunker. After attempting to launch the ICBM, the launch terminal reports an error and mentions that the missile’s tracking system is damaged and the navigation data is corrupted.

Can you become President of the Republic of Dave?

Elections. When the Lone Wanderer finds this small fenced compound, Dave is ‘president’, but the player character can try to change this in the Election Day unmarked quest. The elections are a fairly important time in the Republic of Dave, though it does seem to be biased, as Dave is the only Presidential candidate.

Who was Dogmeat’s previous owner?

In the original Fallout by Black Isle Studios and Interplay Entertainment, the protagonist player character, the Vault Dweller, first encounters the feral Dogmeat in Junktown. Dogmeat’s former owner (an unnamed man closely resembling Max Rockatansky) died at the hands of thugs hired by a local gangster named Gizmo.