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Is Wilea a word?

Is Wilea a word?

a trick, artifice, or stratagem meant to fool, trap, or entice; device. wiles, artful or beguiling behavior. deceitful cunning; trickery. verb (used with object), wiled, wil·ing.

What does the word Mesocracy mean?

: government by the middle classes.

What is a merciful person called?

merciful Add to list Share. Use the adjective merciful to describe someone who has compassion for other people, especially when he is in a position to punish them or treat them harshly.

What is the full meaning of merciful?

full of mercy : compassionate
Definition of merciful : full of mercy : compassionate a merciful ruler also : providing relief a merciful end.

Is Wilea valid Scrabble word?

Yes, wiles is a valid Scrabble word.

Is Weil a word in Scrabble?

Yes, weil is a valid Scrabble word.

What is a bio Metre?

noun. an instrument for measuring the amount of carbon dioxide given off by an organism, tissue, etc.

What is the difference between mercy and merciful?

Mercy is all about a combination of compassion and forgiveness, even when it’s possible to harm someone else. In fact, being merciful involves being compassionate and forgiving when someone else does not deserve it.

What is the opposite of mercy in the Bible?

▲ Opposite of compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm. inhumanity. cruelty. pitilessness.

What does it mean to be merciful in the Bible?

Mercy appears in the Bible as it relates to forgiveness or withholding punishment. For example, God the Father showed mercy on us when he sacrificed his son, Christ Jesus, on the Cross to pay the price for our sins.

Is Xeon a Scrabble word?

No, xeon is not in the scrabble dictionary.

Is Narnia a Scrabble word?

narnia is a valid English word.