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Is the Samsung NX300 a good camera?

Is the Samsung NX300 a good camera?

The Samsung NX300 is an impressive mirrorless camera. It’s the best NX body that we’ve tested to date, and is supported by a lens system with some impressively sharp optics.

What lenses are compatible with Samsung NX Mini?

The NX Mini gives the world yet another lens mount, accepting NX-M lenses. There are three lenses in the range at present – a 9mm F3. 5 (24.3mm equivalent) prime, 9-27mm F3. 5-5.6 (24.3-72.9mm equivalent) collapsible zoom, and a 17mm F1.

Do professionals use mirrorless cameras?

Do professionals use mirrorless cameras? Yes, but they also use DSLRs, too, depending on the genre of photography. In fact, many people switch between DLSR vs mirrorless cameras. Some are advocates that mirrorless lenses and autofocus are still not there yet, and prefer to use DSLRs.

Why is mirrorless better?

Mirrorless cameras have the advantage of usually being lighter, more compact, faster and better for video; but that comes at the cost of access to fewer lenses and accessories. For DSLRs, advantages include a wider selection of lenses, generally better optical viewfinders and much better battery life.

Does Samsung still make mirrorless cameras?

Samsung no longer makes mirrorless cameras. But if you still own an NX and are scouring the used market for lenses, these reviews can help you find a good one.

Do Samsung still make digital cameras?

We no longer produce and sell digital cameras. But we will create a new camera product category to continue the business. A source went on to say that Samsung stopped being competitive in the entry-level digital camera market, and that it further suffered from the rise of smartphone cameras.

What are the top lenses for the Samsung NX?

Top lenses for the Samsung NX. NX 16-50mm f/2-2.8 S ED OIS – £940. This premium standard zoom offers a unique combination or range, aperture and OIS. NX 50-150mm f/2.8 S ED OIS – £1,200. A telephoto zoom for the NX1, this lens has a constant f/2.8 aperture and image stabilisation.

Is the Samsung NX mount a DSLR?

Samyang, however, makes a number of its manual-focus primes in NX mount. Most are in effect DSLR lenses with adapter tubes added, but a couple – a 12mm f/2 wideangle prime and an 8mm f/2.8 fisheye – are specifically designed for APS-C compact system cameras. Samsung never made its own DSLR system, instead re-badging Pentax bodies and lenses.

What is the focal length range of the Samsung NX1 fast zoom?

But to accompany the high-end NX1, Samsung has added some high-end fast zooms in a new premium ‘S’ series. Overall, a 12-200mm focal length range is covered (18-300mm equivalent on full frame), with a 10mm fisheye also available.

What lenses are available for Samsung DSLR cameras?

Most are in effect DSLR lenses with adapter tubes added, but a couple – a 12mm f/2 wideangle prime and an 8mm f/2.8 fisheye – are specifically designed for APS-C compact system cameras. Samsung never made its own DSLR system, instead re-badging Pentax bodies and lenses.