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Has a business name been taken?

Has a business name been taken?

Is my business name taken? The best way to find out if your business name is taken is to do a business entity search within your state, check Federal Trademark Records, and search the web to find businesses with the same or a similar name.

How do I find out if a business name is available in Australia?

To get started, visit the ASIC website at Click on ‘Business names’….Start your business name search

  1. Select ‘Check business name availability’ from the drop-down box.
  2. Enter the business name.
  3. Select ‘Go’ to view results.

How do you check if a name for a business is available?

In most states, the website of the state business filing agency includes an online entity name check tool. You can use the online tool to search business names and find out whether another business is already using the name you have chosen.

Can two businesses have the same name?

Can Two Companies Have the Same Name? Yes, however, certain requirements must be met in order for it to not constitutes trademark infringement and to determine which party is the rightful owner of the name.

Can you have the same business name as someone else?

When you’re forming a corporation or an LLC in a state, the name must be unique to your business within that state. Others can form LLCs and businesses in other states that have the same name as yours. If you want to protect your business name across all states, you will need to trademark it.

Can an ABN have multiple business names?

Yes. Multiple business names can be registered to a single ABN.

Do I need a business name as a sole trader?

Can a sole trader have a business name? Absolutely. Being a sole trader doesn’t mean you have to operate under your own personal name.

How do I reserve a company name?

In order to reserve a name, follow these steps:

  1. Click on “On-line transacting” and then on Name reservations listed under E-Services;
  2. Login using your Customer Code and Password;
  3. Click on “Name Reservations”;
  4. Click on “Proposed Name”;
  5. Capture between one and four names in order of preference.

Can I use a business name that already exists?

Trademarked names are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and are protected nationally. If a business name is already trademarked, you are prohibited from using it even if the company operates in a different state to yours.

Can I trademark my business name?

Registering a trademark helps protect a name or brand from intellectual property theft or misuse as a business grows. You can start the trademarking process on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website. The application can be completed fairly quickly, but the entire process may take several months.

How do I search for a business name in ASIC connect?

This will take you to ASIC Connect Search. In the search field, select ‘ Check business name availability ‘ from the drop-down box and enter the name. Click ‘ Go ‘ to view the results. Click ‘ Search ASIC Registers ‘. Highlight ‘ Check Name Availability ‘ on the top menu. In the keyword field, enter the name.

How long is a business name held for review by ASIC?

any names that are held for review. For example, when a business name is cancelled it will be held for a review period of four months, or six months if the cancellation was initiated by ASIC; any names that are pending and for which someone else has priority.

How do I check the availability of a name?

Highlight ‘ Check Name Availability ‘ on the top menu. In the keyword field, enter the name. Click ‘ Search ‘ to view the results. This screen shows what will be displayed if there are no matches for your name search.

Where can I find more information on the available business names?

Full details on the information available can be found on ASIC Connect . If you want to register a business name but don’t know if the name is available, use our ‘Check name availability’ search. You can also read more about business name availability and the tests we apply.